List of Funded Proposals / 受资助的提案列表

I will update this every time a payment is made. If there are any errors please let me know, thanks.

Remaining Funds of CKB Community Fund DAO(剩余资金)

The CKB Community Fund DAO has an initial holding of 276,000,000 CKB, and by the time of Nov 2, 2024, 11 proposals have been funded (not paid in full), with the remaining funds amount to 246,118,970 CKB (89.17% of the total fund).

CKB Community Fund DAO 初始持有资金为 276,000,000 CKB,截至 2024 年 11 月 2 日,已经资助了 11 份提案(未全部支付),剩余资金 246,118,970 CKB(89.17%)。

List of Funded Proposals(受资助的提案列表)

1. Nervos Nation community grant proposal (10,339,123 CKB)

2. CKBFans社区赞助提案——|CKBFans Community grant Proposal - (1,315,789 CKB)

3. AMA on r/Cryptocurrency subreddit (107,917 CKB)

4. CKB Community DAO Proposal (122,602 CKB)

Note: The initial funding for this proposal is 1,600,000 CKB. William said he is ill and unable to execute the tasks outlined in the proposal, so he has returned 1,477,398 CKB (92.3%) to the address of DAO.

说明:支付给本提案的启动资金为 1,600,000 CKB。后来,William 称自己身体抱恙,无法完成提案里写的事情,所以返还了 1,477,398 CKB (92.3%) 到 DAO 的多签地址上。

5. JoyGift Phase 1 Sponsorship Proposal| JoyGift 第一期赞助提案 (2,386,635 CKB)

6. Build and Distribute Efficient Network Nodes (1,477,429 CKB)

7. Spore Protocol Mainnet Launch Sponsorship Proposal | Spore Protocol 上主网赞助提案 (507,364 CKB)

8. Omiga Inscription Protocol Sponsorship Proposal|Omiga CKB铭文协议赞助提案 (18,791,558 CKB)

Note: The total budget of this proposal is 18,791,558 CKB. The budget for milestones 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 has been paid so far, the budget for rest milestones has not been paid yet.

说明:这份提案的总预算为 18,791,558 CKB,目前已经支付了里程碑 2、3、4、5、6 的预算,尚未支付里程碑 7、8 的预算。

9. Telmo Talks - A Nervos Talk Show - Proposal (702,954 CKB)

10. Palmyra: RWA Lending on Nervos (5,966,943.14 CKB)

Note: 10% of the total budget has been paid, and the remaining 90% will be paid according to milestones

说明:总预算的 10% 已支付,剩下的 90% 将按照里程碑事件进行支付。

11. iCKB & dCKB Rescuer Funding Proposal (Non-Coding Expenses) (673,400 CKB)


Hey @JackyLHH proposal 6 was amended to 1,477,429 CKB


Updated. Thanks for correcting. :heart:


Just a fun fact, on Janruary 30 this year, the DAO had about $830,000 USD in funds. On March 30, we have about $4.8 Million USD!