On May 18, 2019, Nervos CKB testnet — Rylai, was officially launched. So far, the block height has reached 50,000. Many users continuously consult questions about operating the nodes and participate in the testnet.
The testnet is still only a small step. After Rylai, what else is worth looking forward to?
Here are the latest updates at Nervos:
In the past two weeks, we released v0.11.0 and v0.12.0 for testnet launch. We did many performance test, and have resolved several performance issues and fixed many bugs.
The biggest features highlights in the new version :
For more details be sure to check out Ian Yang’s bi-weekly Nervos CKB Development Update
On May 18, Nervos Testnet is live! If you want to know why we call it Rylai and what you can do on Rylai, please read this article Real Testnet, for a better world!
In Fork it #7, we have a second round discussion about Lightning Network. We also have it available in Ximalaya and NetEaseMusic. In addition, I would like to recommend the latest article posted by Yaning.
Following the Introduction to the RISC-V Instruction Set CKB-VM and its Requirements in Nervos Bi-weekly Report#9 , there are two new articles by Xuejie: CKB-VM as a RISC-V Instruction Set: Inspiration, Design, and Benefits and How to Utilize the RISC-V Instruction Set CKB-VM.
Crypto Wednesday No 21: Ajian (Ethfans content director) brought a sharing of Governance. Professor Yong Chang and Chao Pan (Head of Chinese District in MakerDAO) also came to the roundtable discussion.
Consensus 2019, the consultant of Nervos economic research team Jiasun Li (Professor Assistant of Finance at George Mason University) discussed the forefront of blockchain academic research; Kevin represented Nervos at the Token Summit and discussed how to capture the value generated by the ecosystem and allow the system to run for a long time.
On May 14, Cronuts & Blockchain, Toya exchanged study on blockchain community building.
NYC Blockchain Deep Tech Fireside Chat , Kevin and Spacemesh, Kadena, Alacris and other project founders had a roundtable discussion about the future development of the public blockchain.
Matt participated in 100X CRYPTO SUMMIT.
At the event Examining Crypto-economics Meetup, Kevin decrypted the design process of the Nervos encryption economy model.
Nervos, SKALE, Celer, Matic, Alacris, Look, Adriged, Matter Labs, and Connext held a large-scale seminar the Future of Layer 2 NYC Edition.
At the technical open day in Hangzhou, Daniel shared the speech What is the underlying infrastructure of the next generation blockchain?
Xuejie introduced CKB-VM in RISC-V Roadshow.
Jan wrote an article which introduced some ideas and frameworks of how to analyze blockchain consensus.
Robin GU (an employee of X-Order) conducted an in-depth analysis of the value capture and the Nervos economic model.
Nervos Fans
Random interesting stuff
Our Mechanical ape is popular! Someone in the forum uploaded a video to introduce how to play it. If you have more creative ideas, please click here.
PoW and PoS discussion have lasted for three days. Jan made a response and posted PoW vs. PoS in the forum. If you have more opinions, you can leave the comments in the forum.
There are a lot of people participated in mining. Our community member stwith created a guide for mining. You can also participate in the related discussions here.
Upcoming events
May 27, Building Ecosystem for A New Data Economy, Ryan will introduce Nervos to Korean partners.
May 28, Ethcon Korea, Henry will have a discussion about the economic model design of Ethereum and Nervos.
- May 29, Crypto Wednesday, Haichao will explain the technology of CKB and have a workshop on Rylai mining.
- June 1, CKB Testnet Release city tour Beijing station, Daniel, Zhiwei and Henry will share CKB Testnet, unique CKB and long-running encryption economy model.
- June 8, Poof of Work-F2Pool 6th x Nervos Party, Daniel and Haichao will share the Layer 1 Blockchain.
Join our community
Forum: https://talk.nervos.org
Telegram: https://t.me/nervosnetwork
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nervosnetwork
GitHub: https://github.com/nervosnetwork
Thanks to our new partner Zhichun’s translation and Toya’s review.