Nervos Bi-weekly Report#9: CKB Testnet will be Online?

First all of, many big thanks to our community members for the awesome discussions on Nervos Common Knowledge Base Crypto-Economics Call for Comments. Click here for the list of people our thank-you gifts are going out to.

During this period, many valuable updates were made to the proposal, which is now available in Chinese, English, and Korean. Please check out and participate in the discussions on the community forum.

CKB testnet will be online this month?And its name may be related to “Dota”? Stay tuned.

Here are the latest updates at Nervos:


  • We have released v0.10.0 and v0.11.0. The most important change in 0.11.0 is #528: capacity uses unit shannon which is 10e-8 CKBytes.

  • The CKB is under a rapid development phase. A common pitfall was running an updated version with old incompatible data. An alert function was implemented to check the compatibility of database.

  • For more details be sure to check out Ian Yang’s bi-weekly Nervos CKB Development Update.



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Thanks to Jane and Toya’ review.


