[DIS] 如果价格波动超过 10%,付款时需重新计算 CKB 数量/If the price fluctuates by more than 10%, a recalculation of the CKB quantity is required at the time of payment

这份提案在 Metaforo 平台的投票链接:https://dao.ckb.community/thread/51254
The vote of this proposal is live on Metaforo: https://dao.ckb.community/thread/51254

受到 Yeti 这条回复的启发,我提议发起 CKB Community Fund DAO 元规则的修改:如果价格波动超过 10%,付款时需重新计算 CKB 数量。


  1. 提案人在 Nervos Talk 提交提案时,如果预算是以法币计价的,必须明确列出所需的 CKB 数量及其当时的价格(CoinMarketCap 上的价格)。

  2. 在 Metaforo 提交投票时,“The minimum number of votes required to pass the proposal” 设置为 Nervos Talk 提案中申请预算的 CKB 数量的 3 倍(即保持原来的规则不变,不需要考虑 CKB 的价格波动,也不用重新计算 CKB 数量)。

  3. 无论是一次性付款还是分阶段付款,DAO 委员会在每次付款时都必须对比当天 CoinMarketCap 上 CKB 的开盘价和提案中记录的价格。如果发现价格波动超过了 10%,则付款时需按照当天的开盘价重新计算要支付的 CKB 数量。

说明:为什么选择当天的开盘价而非付款时刻的实时价格?这是因为 DAO 的资金存放在多签钱包中,受到时差和其他一些因素的影响,集齐签名需要一些时间。

  1. 对于像 Spore Protocol 这样的提案,其申请的 CKB 全部用于合约的部署,不以法币计价,不受此提案的影响。另外,在这份元规则修改提案生效之前获批的提案(比如 Omiga 提案),其后续的付款也不受此提案的影响。

这项元规则的修改,旨在在 CKB 价格上行期间节省资金,使 CKB Community Fund DAO 能够赞助更多的提案,帮助更多提案人实现他们的梦想;在价格下行期间,尽管 CKB Community Fund DAO 需要支付更多的 CKB,但正如 Yeti 所说的,如果没有收到足额的预算,可能会实质性地影响提案项目的成功。


[DIS] If the price fluctuates by more than 10%, a recalculation of the CKB quantity is required at the time of payment.

Inspired by this reply from Yeti, I propose to make a meta-rule change to the CKB Community Fund DAO: If the price fluctuates by more than 10%, a recalculation of the CKB quantity is required at the time of payment.


  1. Proposers submitting proposals at Nervos Talk must explicitly list the amount of CKB required and its current price (as available on CoinMarketCap) if the budget is denominated in fiat currency.
  2. When submitting the proposal to Metaforo, “The minimum number of votes required to pass the proposal” is set to 3 times the number of CKB requested in the Nervos Talk proposal (that is, the original rules remain unchanged, the price fluctuation of CKB does not need to be considered, and there is no need to recalculate the quantity of CKB).
  3. For both one-off and milestone payments, the DAO committee must compare the opening price of CKB on CoinMarketCap on that day with the price recorded in the proposal at the time of each payment. If the price fluctuates by more than 10%, the amount of CKB to be paid will be recalculated based on the opening price on that day.

Note: Why use the opening price instead of the real-time price at the moment of payment? This is because DAO’s funds are stored in a multisig wallet, so it takes some time to collect signatures due to timezone and other factors.

  1. Proposals like the Spore’s proposal, which require CKB solely for contract deployment and are not pegged to fiat currency, will not be impacted by this rule change. In addition, subsequent payments of proposals approved before this meta-rule change taking effect (e.g., Omiga’s proposal) will not be affected by this proposal.

By recalculating payments during price surges, we can extend our support to a greater number of proposals, thereby aiding more proposers in bringing their visions to life. Conversely, in the face of declining prices, CKB Community Fund DAO needs pay more CKB, but as @Yeti stated, less than the fiat amount they requested could really affect the success of the project.

If you also agree with this proposal, please click the like :heart: button, thanks.




@JackyLHH, “…If the price fluctuates by more than 10%, the amount of CKB to be paid will be recalculated based on the opening price on that day.”

So you mean the fluctuation of 10% or above compared to the price at the first date of proposal submission?


Hi @CKBish , yes.

To clarify with an example:

On March 4, 2024, Bob submits a proposal to Nervos Talk, requesting a budget of $1,500. At the time of submission, the price of CKB listed on CoinMarketCap is $0.015, leading Bob to apply for 100,000 CKB. Bob must include both the CKB price ($0.015) and the requested quantity (100,000 CKB) in his proposal.

Two weeks later, Bob’s proposal receives approval. On the payment day, March 19, 2024, the DAO committee compares the day’s opening price of CKB with the price stated in Bob’s proposal ($0.015).

  • If the CKB opening price on March 19 is $0.016, indicating a price change within 10%, the DAO committee will proceed to disburse the original amount of 100,000 CKB without recalculating.
  • However, if the opening price of CKB on March 19 is $0.02, surpassing a 10% price fluctuation, the DAO committee must adjust the disbursement accordingly, resulting in a recalculated payment of 75,000 CKB. (1500 ÷ 0.02 = 75000).


Bob 在 3 月 4 日向 Nervos Talk 提交了一份提案,申请的预算是 $1,500,提交时 CoinMarketCap 上 CKB 的价格是 $0.015,所以 Bob 申请的 CKB 数量是 100,000 CKB。(Bob 需要在提案中写上 CKB 的价格 $0.015 和数量 100,000 CKB)。

半个月后,Bob 的这份提案通过了。付款的那一天,假设是 3 月 19 日,DAO 委员会需要对比当天的 CKB 开盘价和提案中记录的 CKB 价格($0.015)。

  • 如果 3 月 19 日 CKB 的开盘价是 $0.016,即 CKB 的价格波动没有超过 10%,DAO 委员会不需要重新计算 CKB 数量,直接支付 100,000 CKB。

  • 如果 3 月 19 日 CKB 的开盘价是 $0.02,即 CKB 的价格波动超过了 10%,DAO 委员会需要重新计算 CKB 数量,最终支付的 CKB 数量为 75,000 CKB。(1500 ÷ 0.02 = 75000)


这份提案在 Metaforo 平台的投票链接:https://dao.ckb.community/thread/51254

The vote of this proposal is live on Metaforo: https://dao.ckb.community/thread/51254


Hey there! I’m curious about something in your proposal. So, let’s say the price of CKB swings by 10% or more - as per your proposal, that mean the amount of CKB to be disbursed changes too. With that being the case, here’s what I’m thinking: Shouldn’t you be considering a way to adjust or recalculate the required voting power dynamically as well to keep things fair? Imagine if the value of CKB shoots up or drops significantly after the proposal’s up for voting.

Take Bob’s situation for example: If he asks for 100,000 CKB at $0.015 per CKB, that’s $1,500. But if CKB’s price jumps up before the votes, he might not need as much CKB to hit that $1,500 mark. Depending on the amount of voting power required, that could put him at a disadvantage if the voting power stays the same.

To fulfill your vision, maybe improving the voting system to something where you input the daily CMC opening price to calculate the required amount of CKB to dynamically adjust the voting power and average it over the proposal’s duration.

Thanks for your feedback. The change you proposed is very complicated at the operational level (especially input daily price). Moreover, for meta-rule modification proposals, theoretically only one change can be made at a time.