[DIS] RGBCat (CAT++) GameFi sponsorship proposal|RGBCat(CAT++)GameFi 赞助提案

Our proposal has entered the voting stage. Please proceed to vote: https://dao.ckb.community/thread/vot-rgbcat-cat-gamefi-sponsorship-proposal-rgbcat-cat-gamefi-53237


Dear Nervos Community Members,

We are excited to present RGBCat, a dynamic new asset on the CKB blockchain that explores the Bitcoin universe through the innovative RGB++ protocol. Our token, CAT++, was introduced in mid-April 2024 within the framework of the RGB++ protocol, signifying a significant advancement beyond a mere meme coin. CAT++ serves as a portal to a transformative era of blockchain engagement. Our roadmap includes the establishment of a specialized decentralized exchange (DEX) and the launch of our DOB, the DOB Marketplace. Our overarching vision encompasses the realization of the GameFi project, marking a significant milestone in our journey towards redefining blockchain experiences.

Why are we building RGBCat?

The emergence of the RGB++ protocol has garnered significant interest from our team. By harnessing the UTXO model’s cell structure and combining it with the robust security of Proof of Work (PoW), RGB++ offers a secure and versatile framework. Our team is deeply committed to enhancing the diversity within the RGB++ protocol and fostering growth within the Nervos ecosystem by exploring the potential of cross-chain assets. Looking ahead, we are enthusiastic about developing a GameFi project that is intricately linked to our DOB and CAT++, paving the way for innovative and engaging experiences in the world of blockchain gaming.

The significance of RGBCat to the Nervos ecosystem

Originally conceived on the principles of memecoin and decentralized finance (DeFi), RGBCat was established with a focus on integrating the Cat meme theme to attract supporters from both the CKB and BTC communities while advocating for the significance of the RGB++ protocol. Operating as a meme-centric community, our aim is to foster collaboration with various projects. With the increasing adoption of the RGB++ protocol, numerous initiatives are emerging in the realm of DeFi, such as orderbook and AMM DEX. Drawing inspiration from the recent success of the TON chain, which highlighted the popularity of minigames among crypto enthusiasts, we are intrigued by the potential of exploring GameFi within the RGB++ & CKB ecosystem.

Why are we launching this project now?

There are several reasons for launching this project at this time:

  • 2024 marks both the halving period of BTC and a recent halving for CKB.

  • The widespread use of UTXO inscriptions, such as the Runes protocol, highlights the value and importance of UTXO.

  • The GameFi project is unprecedented on RGB++ ecosystem which presents a unique opportunity.

  • As crypto enthusiasts and BTC holders, we see potential in utilizing UTXO for purposes beyond simple payment methods.

  • The potential of CKB is underestimated when compared to other chains like Polkadot and Cosmos, considering its market cap.

What is our budget application and why is it reasonable?

Our budget is $ 130000USD, with the CKB price at the time of the proposal initiation being 1CKB equivalent to $0.01603, equals to a total of 8109794CKB. It will be used for the following:

· Server rental

· Smart contract development

· Product design, UI design

· Front-end development

· Back-end development

· Mainnet contract deployment costs

· Document and tutorial production

· Monitoring and maintenance

· Feature iteration and continuous development

· Marketing

· Community building

· Merch production

The budget is reasonable as we outlined a detailed budget plan covering a broad range of essential expenses, demonstrating our commitment to transparency and accountability, building trust with the community, and demonstrating our dedication to the project’s long-term viability and success. This budget proposal is not just about meeting current needs, but about strategically positioning our programs for a successful and sustainable future with the support of a strong and engaged community. In addition, we would like to build up a well-conditioned environment to ease the GameFi project launch. Therefore, the milestones mainly involve the utilities, application and liquidity of CAT++ and DOB.

Challenges and Learnings

While the RGB++ protocol represents a nascent technology with limited resources, our project development journey has been rich with learning experiences. Throughout the token launch process, we have effectively managed the seamless transfer and bridging of xUDTs between Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks and some of the logic can be applied to DOB. Moreover, we take pride in our success in garnering support to nurture our community and bolster the robustness of the CKB ecosystem. As we ventured into launching the orderbook DEX, we honed our skills in facilitating xUDT transfers across different layers and effectively applying certain logic to the DEX Orderbook. Implementing a secure system for managing CKB assets has been instrumental in ensuring the safety of transactions and minimizing errors. Our foray into frontend and backend design has laid a solid foundation for future project endeavors. This marks the initial stride in our ecosystem journey, equipping us with the knowledge and capabilities to construct a fully functional dApp.

Reference for our MarCat Architecture: Architecture | RGBCat 🌈🐈


1. Project Launch (April 2024)

2. Orderbook DEX (Launched) ~ 23.1% = $30000 USD (1871940.954CKB)

This milestone addresses market demand for CAT++ trading with support for the JoyID wallet. The main purpose is to provide a marketplace convenient for users to engage with our token, CAT++. Future expansions may include trading support for other assets on L1.


i) Backend Server Setup + Initial Development Cost (~16.7% - $5000)

ii) Frontend Setup + Initial Development Cost (~16.7% - $5000)

iii) Server Maintenance ($4800 / 2 year)

  • vercel frontend $100 x 24 months = $2400

  • backend server $100 x 24 months = $2400

iv) Improve Stability and User Experience (~26.7% - $4000 x 2 years = $8000)

  • UI Improvement 1000 USD x 2

  • Backend Improvement 1000 USD x 2

  • Artwork 500 USD x 2

  • Unisat support 1500 USD

  • Metamask support 1500 USD

v) Mainnet Testing, Debugging and Launch (10% - $3000)

  • Gas Fee included

i) Testing Fee - transfer RGBPP assets / btc gas

ii) Debugging Fee - failed or debugging transaction may loss/cost some of our assets

iii) Launch Fee - Fee for providing Initial liquidity

vi) Incentives + Reserved (14% - $4200)

  • Error Handling fee

  • Possible compensating fee

  • Remaining fund become incentives and development cost

3. DOB Design/Launch (Expected Launch: Q3 2024) ~ 21.5% = $28000 USD (1746724.891CKB)

In response to the emergence of the Spore protocol and enthusiastic community feedback, we will launch a CAT-themed DOB shortly after releasing the new coin logo, expected in after late May 2024. The ultimate goal for DOB is to apply to the GameFi.

i) DOB artwork design (~53.6% - $15000)

  • Custom design of DOB and related gears to create visually appealing and unique digital assets.

  • involves part of the cost of minting DOB

ii) Frontend Setup (~7.14% - $2000)

  • Developing the frontend interface to provide a user-friendly experience for users to engage with the DOB mining event.

iii) Backend Setup (~8.92% - $2500)

  • Setting up a reliable backend server infrastructure to handle the processing and storage of DOB data and transactions securely.

iv) Smart Contract Deployment (~10.7% - $3000)

  • Designing and deploying smart contracts on CKB for public minting, ensuring transparent and secure minting processes for DOB creation.

v) Promotion and Marketing (~7.14% - $2000)

  • Executing marketing campaigns to promote the public minting event and attract a wide audience of DOB enthusiasts and collectors.

vi) Mainnet Testing (~7.14% - $2000)

  • Conducting thorough testing on the mainnet to validate the functionality, security, and performance of the DOB platform with public minting capabilities.

  • Covering transaction costs and gas fees during testing to simulate real-world minting scenarios.

vii) Emergency Maintenance Fee during DOB minting (~5.36% - $1500)

  • Allocating funds for emergency maintenance to address any unforeseen technical issues or glitches that may arise during the public minting process.

4. DOB Marketplace (Expected Launch: Between Q3-Q4 2024) ~23.1% = $30,000 USD (1871940.954CKB)

To optimize circulation in coordination with our DOB, we will develop a marketplace for trading DOB and related gears in the GameFi project.

i) Smart Contract Development (20% - $6000)

-This involves creating the smart contracts that will govern the creation, ownership, and transfer of DOBs on your platform. Costs can vary based on the complexity of the contracts.

ii) Frontend Development (~18.33% - $5500)

  • Designing and developing the user interface where users can interact with the marketplace, view DOBs, and make transactions.

  • Registering a domain name for our marketplace and securing it with an SSL certificate to enable encrypted connections.

iii) Backend Development (20% - $6000)

  • Building the server-side logic, APIs, and database architecture to support the functionality of the marketplace.

  • Renting server space on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud to host your marketplace and ensure scalability and reliability.

iv) Testing and Quality Assurance (~6.67% - $2000)

  • Ensuring that all features work as intended, identifying and fixing bugs, and conducting thorough testing to provide a smooth user experience.

v) Smart Contract Audit (13.33% - $4000)

  • Engaging a reputable security firm to review and audit your smart contracts for vulnerabilities and potential exploits.

  • Conducting security testing to identify and address potential weaknesses in your platform’s infrastructure and code.

vi) Initial Marketing Campaigns (~6.67% - $2000)

  • Promoting the launch of your DOB marketplace through advertising, social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, and other marketing strategies.

vii) Social Media Marketing (10% - $3000)

  • Building a presence on social media platforms to engage with target audience, promote DOBs available on our marketplace, and drive user adoption.

viii) Miscellaneous Expenses (5% - $1500)

  • Setting aside a portion of the budget for unexpected costs or additional features that may arise during development.

5. Gaming (to be announced soon) ~ 23.1 % = $30000 USD (1871940.954CKB)

Following the launch of DOB, our next step involves releasing a minigame for initial testing. Miningame involves the integration of xudt, DOB and gaming backend. Throughout the integration, it combines all the latest and utmost important concepts of CKB. Upon successful testing, we will proceed to develop a more extensive game with a wider range of applications, leveraging the capabilities of CAT++ and DOB within our GameFi project. The xudt has the potential to function as a game token within this ecosystem. DOB’s role may involve providing buffs to in-game characters. These processes represent significant advancements within the CKB network, showcasing complexity and innovation.

i) Game Design and Architecture (8% - $2,400)

  • Game Concept and Design Document: Define the game mechanics, goals, and rules.

  • Game Architecture Planning: Design the overall system architecture, including front-end, back-end, and blockchain integration.

ii) Front-End Development (18% - $5,400)

  • User Interface (UI) Development: Design and develop the visual elements of the game.

  • User Experience (UX) Development: Ensure the game is intuitive and provides a good user experience.

  • Graphics and Animation: Create or source visual assets like characters, environments, and animations.

iii) Back-End Development (20% - $6,000)

  • Game Logic Implementation: Develop the core game mechanics and rules.

  • Server-Side Infrastructure: Set up servers to manage game data and user accounts.

iv) Blockchain Integration (22% - $6,600)

  • Smart Contract Development: Write, test, and deploy smart contracts for game logic, transactions, and rewards.

  • Wallet Integration: Integrate cryptocurrency wallets for in-game purchases and transactions.

v) Security (8% - $2,400)

  • Smart Contract Audits: Conduct thorough audits to ensure smart contracts are secure.

  • Data Security Measures: Implement measures to protect user data and game integrity.

vi) Testing (8% - $2,400)

  • Unit Testing: Test individual components to ensure they function correctly.

  • Integration Testing: Verify that different parts of the game work together seamlessly.

  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Conduct testing with real users to gather feedback and identify usability issues or bugs.

vii) Infrastructure (5% - $1,500)

  • Hosting Services: Choose appropriate hosting services for game servers and blockchain nodes.

  • Scalability and Performance Optimization: Ensure the infrastructure can handle user load and optimize performance.

viii) Documentation (5% - $1,500)

  • Technical Documentation: Document the code, architecture, and development processes.

  • User Documentation: Provide guides and tutorials for users to understand the game and blockchain features.

ix) Maintenance and Updates (6% - $1,800)

  • Ongoing Bug Fixes and Improvements: Continuously monitor and fix any bugs that arise.

  • Feature Updates: Regularly update the game with new features and improvements based on user feedback.

  • Server and Infrastructure Maintenance: Ensure servers and infrastructure are maintained and updated.

6. Community Development & Collaboration Reserve ~ 9.23 % = $12000 USD (748596.381CKB)

To strengthen RGBCat Community cohesion, we will design merchandise for supporters, such as RGBCat T-shirts and DOB-related items. Funds may also be used for promotional activities, such as booths, and offline events to foster community bonding. Besides, we will try to find out possible collaboration to boost the development of RGB++ ecosystem. For example, collaboration among different DOB projects, airdrops among different projects, meeting events etc.

Merch Initiatives

i) RGBCat T-shirt

  • Develop and manufacture RGBCat T-shirts for team members and community advocates.

ii) Giveaways and Contests

  • Conduct regular social media giveaways and contests to distribute merchandise and engage community members.

iii) Rewards for participation

  • Provide merchandise incentives for active involvement in community endeavors, such as forum contributions, event participation, and user referrals.

Promotion & Collaboration Strategies

i) Presence at Crypto Conferences

  • Establish exhibition booths at prominent crypto and blockchain conferences to showcase RGBCat, distribute merchandise, and interact with potential users and partners.

ii) Engagement with Influencers/KOLs

  • Initiate contact with influencers via various channels, including direct messaging, emails, or influencer marketing platforms, to explore collaboration opportunities.

iii) Organizing Meetups and Networking Events

  • Host local meetups and networking gatherings in cities with thriving blockchain communities, inviting members, industry experts, and project supporters to engage in face-to-face discussions on pertinent subjects.

iv) Airdrop / whitelist Campaign Management

  • Execute a targeted airdrop / whitelist campaign offering CAT++, DOB, or exclusive merchandise as rewards for specific community engagements.
  • Promote the airdrop / whitelist across diverse social media platforms, forums, and crypto communities while maintaining transparent rules and eligibility criteria.

v) Collaborative Events with Partner Projects

  • Co-organize interactive events with fellow projects within the RGB++ ecosystem, such as panel discussions, AMAs, or webinars.

  • Pool resources, combine audiences, and leverage network connections to amplify outreach and engagement, emphasizing the advantages of inter-project collaboration.


In conclusion, RGBCat is not just a project; it is a vision for a more vibrant and interconnected blockchain ecosystem. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and collaboration within the Nervos community. By leveraging the power of RGB++ and the unique characteristics of the CKB blockchain, we aim to create a platform that not only entertains but also empowers users to explore new possibilities in the world of decentralized finance.

We are immensely grateful for the support and encouragement we have received from the Nervos community. Your enthusiasm and engagement inspire us to continue striving for excellence in all our endeavors. We would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to JoyID, CKB technicians and RGBCat Fans for their invaluable support throughout this journey.

Our team is proud to showcase our existing product, a testament to our ability to develop decentralized applications and cultivate a thriving community within the CKB ecosystem. Through our innovative solutions and strategic initiatives, we have already laid a strong foundation for growth and impact. However, to sustain our momentum and further strengthen the CKB ecosystem, we recognize the critical role that funding plays in our journey. Your support will empower us to continue building, expanding our reach, and driving innovation that benefits not only our team but also the broader community.

Together, we believe that RGBCat represents a new chapter in the evolution of blockchain technology. With your continued support and collaboration, we are confident that we can bring RGBCat to new heights and make a lasting impact in the blockchain space. Let’s paint the future with colors of innovation and collaboration with RGBCat!

尊敬的 Nervos 社区成员:

我们很高兴推出RGBCat,这是CKB区块链上的一种动态新资产,通过创新的RGB++协议探索比特币世界。我们的代币 CAT++ 于 2024 年 4 月中旬在 RGB++ 协议框架内推出,标志着超越单纯的模因币的重大进步。CAT++ 是通往区块链参与变革时代的门户。我们的路线图包括建立一个专门的去中心化交易所(DEX)推出我们的DOBDOB市场。我们的总体愿景包括实现 GameFi 项目,这标志着我们重新定义区块链体验之旅的一个重要里程碑。

我们为什么要构建 RGBCat?

RGB++ 协议的出现引起了我们团队的极大兴趣。通过利用 UTXO 模型的单元结构并将其与工作量证明 (PoW) 的强大安全性相结合,RGB++ 提供了一个安全且多功能的框架。我们的团队致力于通过探索跨链资产的潜力来增强 RGB++ 协议的多样性并促进 Nervos 生态系统内的增长。展望未来,我们热衷于开发一个与我们的 DOB 和 CAT++ 错综复杂的 GameFi 项目,为区块链游戏世界的创新和引人入胜的体验铺平道路。

RGBCat 对 Nervos 生态系统的意义

RGBCat 最初是基于模因币和去中心化金融 (DeFi) 的原则构思的,其成立的重点是整合 Cat 模因主题,以吸引来自 CKB 和 BTC 社区的支持者,同时倡导 RGB++ 协议的重要性。作为一个以meme为中心的社区,我们的目标是促进与各种项目的合作。随着 RGB++ 协议的日益普及,DeFi 领域出现了许多举措,例如订单簿和 AMM DEX。从最近 TON 链的成功中汲取灵感,这凸显了迷你游戏在加密爱好者中的受欢迎程度,我们对在 RGB++ 和 CKB 生态系统中探索 GameFi 的潜力很感兴趣。



  • 2024 年标志着 BTC 的减半期和 CKB 最近的减半期。

  • UTXO铭文的广泛使用,如符文协议,凸显了UTXO的价值和重要性。

  • GameFi 项目在 RGB++ 生态系统上是前所未有的,这提供了一个独特的机会。

  • 作为加密货币爱好者和 BTC 持有者,我们看到了将 UTXO 用于简单支付方式以外的目的的潜力。

  • 考虑到 CKB 的市值,与 Polkadot 和 Cosmos 等其他连锁店相比,CKB 的潜力被低估了。


我们的预算为 130000 美元,提案启动时的 CKB 价格为 1CKB 相当于 0.01603 美元,总计 8109794CKB。它将用于以下用途:

· 服务器租赁

· 智能合约开发

· 产品设计、UI设计

· 前端开发

· 后端开发

· 主网合约部署成本

· 文档和教程制作

· 监控和维护

· 功能迭代和持续开发

· 营销

· 社区建设

· 商品生产

预算是合理的,因为我们概述了涵盖广泛基本费用的详细预算计划,展示了我们对透明度和问责制的承诺,与社区建立信任,并展示了我们对项目长期可行性和成功的奉献精神。该预算提案不仅是为了满足当前的需求,而且是为了在强大和参与的社区的支持下,战略性地定位我们的计划,以实现成功和可持续的未来。此外,我们希望建立一个良好的环境,以简化 GameFi 项目的启动。因此,里程碑主要涉及 CAT++ 和 DOB 的效用、应用和流动性。


虽然RGB++协议代表了一种资源有限的新兴技术,但我们的项目开发过程充满了学习经验。在整个代币发布过程中,我们有效地管理了 1 层和第 2 层网络之间 xUDT 的无缝传输和桥接,其中一些逻辑可以应用于 DOB。此外,我们引以为豪的是,我们成功地获得了支持,以培育我们的社区,并加强了CKB生态系统的稳健性。当我们冒险推出订单簿 DEX 时,我们磨练了我们在促进跨不同层的 xUDT 转移和有效地将某些逻辑应用于 DEX 订单簿方面的技能。实施安全的CKB资产管理系统有助于确保交易安全和减少错误。我们涉足前端和后端设计,为未来的项目工作奠定了坚实的基础。这标志着我们在生态系统之旅中迈出了第一步,为我们提供了构建功能齐全的 dApp 的知识和能力。

我们的 MarCat 架构参考:Architecture | RGBCat 🌈🐈


1. 项目启动(2024年4月)

2. 订单簿 DEX(上线)~ 23.1% = $30000 USD (1871940.954CKB)

这一里程碑通过支持 JoyID 钱包满足了市场对 CAT++ 交易的需求。主要目的是为用户提供一个方便用户参与我们的代币 CAT++ 的市场。未来的扩展可能包括对 L1 上其他资产的交易支持。


i) 后端服务器设置 + 初始开发成本 (~16.7% - $5000)

ii) 前端设置 + 初始开发成本 (~16.7% - $5000)

iii) 服务器维护(16% - 4800 美元/2 年)

  • Vercel 前端 100 美元 x 24 个月 = 2400 美元

  • 后端服务器 100 美元 x 24 个月 = 2400 美元

iv) 提高稳定性和用户体验(~26.7% - 4000 美元 x 2 年 = 8000 美元)

  • UI 改进 1000 美元 x 2

  • 后端改进 1000 美元 x 2

  • 艺术品 500 USD x 2

  • Unisat 支持 1500 美元

  • Metamask 支持 1500 美元

v) 主网测试、调试和启动(10% - 3000 美元)

  • 包括gas费用

i) 测试费 - 转移 RGBPP 资产/btc gas

ii) 调试费用 - 失败或调试交易可能会损失/花费我们的部分资产

iii) 启动费 - 提供初始流动性的费用

vi) 奖励 + 预留 (14% - $4200)

  • 错误处理费

  • 可能的补偿费用

  • 剩余资金成为激励措施和开发成本

3. 出生日期设计/启动(预计启动:2024 年第三季度)~ 21.5% = 28000 美元 (1746724.891CKB)

为了响应Spore协议的出现和社区的热烈反馈,我们将在 2024 年 5 月下旬发布新硬币标志后不久推出以 CAT 为主题的 DOB。DOB 的最终目标是应用于 GameFi。

i) DOB 艺术品设计 (~53.6% - $15000)

  • DOB和相关齿轮的定制设计,以创建具有视觉吸引力和独特的数字资产。

  • 涉及铸造DOB的部分成本

ii) 前端设置 (~7.14% - $2000)

  • 开发前端界面,为用户提供用户友好的体验,让他们参与 DOB 挖矿事件。

iii) 后端设置 (~8.92% - $2500)

  • 建立可靠的后端服务器基础设施,以安全地处理和存储 DOB 数据和交易。

iv) 智能合约部署 (~10.7% - $3000)

  • 在 CKB 上设计和部署用于公共铸造的智能合约,确保 DOB 创建的铸造过程透明和安全。

v) 促销和营销 (~7.14% - $2000)

  • 开展营销活动,推广公开铸币活动,吸引广大DOB爱好者和收藏家。

vi) 主网测试 (~7.14% – $2000)

  • 对主网进行全面测试,以验证具有公共铸造能力的 DOB 平台的功能、安全性和性能。

  • 在测试期间支付交易成本和 gas 费用,以模拟真实世界的铸币场景。

vii) DOB 铸造期间的紧急维护费 (~5.36% - $1500)

  • 分配资金用于紧急维护,以解决公开铸币过程中可能出现的任何不可预见的技术问题或故障。

4. DOB Marketplace(预计推出时间:2024 年第三季度至第四季度之间)~23.1% = 30,000 美元 (1871940.954CKB)

为了与我们的 DOB 协调优化流通,我们将在 GameFi 项目中开发一个用于交易 DOB 和相关齿轮的市场。

i) 智能合约开发 (20% - $6000)

  • 这涉及创建智能合约,该智能合约将管理您平台上 DOB 的创建、所有权和转让。费用可能因合同的复杂程度而异。

ii) 前端开发 (~18.33% - $5500)

  • 设计和开发用户界面,用户可以在其中与市场交互、查看 DOB 和进行交易。

  • 为我们的市场注册一个域名,并使用SSL证书保护它,以启用加密连接。

iii) 后端开发 (20% - $6000)

  • 构建服务器端逻辑、API 和数据库架构以支持市场功能。

  • 在 AWS、Azure 或 Google Cloud 等云平台上租用服务器空间来托管您的市场并确保可扩展性和可靠性。

iv) 测试和质量保证 (~6.67% - $2000)

  • 确保所有功能按预期工作,识别和修复错误,并进行全面测试以提供流畅的用户体验。

v) 智能合约审计 (13.33% - $4000)

  • 聘请信誉良好的安全公司来审查和审计您的智能合约是否存在漏洞和潜在漏洞。

  • 进行安全测试,以识别和解决平台基础设施和代码中的潜在弱点。

vi) 初始营销活动 (~6.67% - $2000)

  • 通过广告、社交媒体活动、影响者合作伙伴关系和其他营销策略促进您的 DOB 市场的推出。

vii) 社交媒体营销 (10% - $3000)

  • 在社交媒体平台上建立影响力,与目标受众互动,推广我们市场上可用的 DOB,并推动用户采用。

viii) 杂项费用 (5% - $1500)

  • 留出一部分预算用于开发过程中可能出现的意外成本或附加功能。

5. 游戏(即将公布)~ 23.1 % = $30000 USD (1871940.954CKB)

在DOB推出之后,我们的下一步是发布一个用于初步测试的迷你游戏。Miningame 涉及 xudt、DOB 和游戏后端的集成。在整个整合过程中,它结合了CKB所有最新和最重要的概念。测试成功后,我们将继续开发一款应用范围更广的游戏,在我们的 GameFi 项目中利用 CAT++DOB 的功能。xudt 有可能在这个生态系统中充当游戏代币。DOB 的角色可能涉及为游戏中的角色提供增益。这些流程代表了CKB网络的重大进步,展示了复杂性和创新性。

i) 游戏设计和架构 (8% - $2,400)

  • 游戏概念和设计文档:定义游戏机制、目标和规则。

  • 游戏架构规划:设计整体系统架构,包括前端、后端和区块链集成。

ii) 前端开发 (18% - $5,400)

  • 用户界面 (UI) 开发:设计和开发游戏的视觉元素。

  • 用户体验 (UX) 开发:确保游戏直观并提供良好的用户体验。

  • 图形和动画:创建或获取视觉资产,如角色、环境和动画。

iii) 后端开发 (20% - $6,000)

  • 游戏逻辑实现:开发核心游戏机制和规则。

  • 服务器端基础架构:设置服务器以管理游戏数据和用户帐户。

iv) 区块链集成 (22% - $6,600)

  • 智能合约开发:编写、测试和部署用于游戏逻辑、交易和奖励的智能合约。

  • 钱包集成:集成加密货币钱包进行游戏内购买和交易。

v) 安全 (8% - $2,400)

  • 智能合约审计:进行彻底的审计,以确保智能合约的安全。

  • 数据安全措施:实施保护用户数据和游戏完整性的措施。

vi) 测试 (8% - $2,400)

  • 单元测试:测试单个组件以确保它们正常运行。

  • 集成测试:验证游戏的不同部分是否无缝协作。

  • 用户验收测试 (UAT):与真实用户进行测试,以收集反馈并识别可用性问题或错误。

vii) 基础设施 (5% - $1,500)

  • 托管服务:为游戏服务器和区块链节点选择合适的托管服务。

  • 可扩展性和性能优化:确保基础架构能够处理用户负载并优化性能。

viii) 文件(5% - 1,500 美元)

  • 技术文档:记录代码、架构和开发过程。

  • 用户文档:提供指南和教程,帮助用户了解游戏和区块链功能。

ix) 维护和更新 (6% - $1,800)

  • 持续的错误修复和改进:持续监控和修复出现的任何错误。

  • 功能更新:根据用户反馈定期更新游戏,提供新功能和改进。

  • 服务器和基础设施维护:确保服务器和基础设施得到维护和更新。

6. 社区发展与协作储备 ~ 9.23 % = $12000 USD (748596.381CKB)

为了加强RGBCat社区的凝聚力,我们将为支持者设计商品,例如RGBCat T恤和DOB相关物品。资金还可用于宣传活动,例如摊位和线下活动,以促进社区联系。此外,我们将尝试寻找可能的合作,以促进RGB++生态系统的发展。例如,不同DOB项目之间的协作,不同项目之间的空投,会议活动等。


i) RGBCat T 恤

  • 为团队成员和社区倡导者开发和制造 RGBCat T 恤。

ii) 赠品和竞赛

  • 定期举办社交媒体赠品和竞赛,以分发商品并吸引社区成员。

iii) 参与奖励

  • 为积极参与社区活动提供商品奖励,例如论坛贡献、活动参与和用户推荐。


i) 出席加密会议

  • 在著名的加密货币和区块链会议上设立展台,以展示 RGBCat、分发商品并与潜在用户和合作伙伴互动。

ii) 与有影响力的人/KOL的互动

  • 通过各种渠道(包括直接消息、电子邮件或网红营销平台)与网红建立联系,以探索合作机会。

iii) 组织聚会和社交活动

  • 在区块链社区蓬勃发展的城市举办本地聚会和网络聚会,邀请成员、行业专家和项目支持者就相关主题进行面对面的讨论。

iv) 空投/白名单活动管理

  • 执行有针对性的空投/白名单活动,提供 CAT++、DOB 或独家商品作为特定社区参与的奖励。
  • 在不同的社交媒体平台、论坛和加密社区中推广空投/白名单,同时保持透明的规则和资格标准。

v) 与合作伙伴项目的合作活动

  • 与 RGB++ 生态系统中的其他项目共同组织互动活动,例如小组讨论、AMA 或网络研讨会。

  • 汇集资源,结合受众,并利用网络连接来扩大外展和参与,强调项目间协作的优势。


总而言之,RGBCat不仅仅是一个项目;这是一个更加充满活力和互联互通的区块链生态系统的愿景。我们致力于在 Nervos 社区内突破创新和协作的界限。通过利用RGB++的力量和CKB区块链的独特特性,我们的目标是创建一个平台,不仅娱乐,而且使用户能够探索去中心化金融世界的新可能性。

我们非常感谢 Nervos 社区对我们的支持和鼓励。您的热情和参与激励着我们继续努力追求卓越。我们还要衷心感谢 JoyID、CKB 技术人员和 RGBCat 粉丝在整个旅程中的宝贵支持。



Twitter: x.com
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @rgbcat_io
Discord: Discord






Nice proposal! The Cat design is great. I am a holder of CKB and CAT++.
At the beginning, CAT++ said it was a meme coin. But now, it becomes more valuable after this proposal. Can’t wait to see this project launch!

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Je trouve que CAT ++ mérite tout notre soutien.
Je suis surpris qu’il n’y ait que peu de discussion.


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Good work

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Whats interesting about you Woodbury is you are highly skeptical of a western proposal with a real world business and connected already to established chains and developers, but a meme (possibly eastern) project launches anon with no proof they can do what they do, and you are happy about it.
What attracts you to this project where you aren’t so skeptical about it?
I’m highly surprised someone as intelligent as you will vote for an anon cat project without the same skepticism, do you hold CAT++?
If this was a western cat project would you say the same thing? I’m Interested in your perspective of what separates this project from any other low engagement projects using RGB++ currently?

Sell it to me what you see thats not been done already? Is CKB just a Meme factory chain? What am I missing?

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Thanks for the proposal. Very thorough, we do need a lot more proposals coming through so kudo’s to you for stepping up to the plate. :slight_smile:

Another RGB++ dex, what can I say, I feel like there are too many dex’s and not enough people currently which I hope will change over time to the opposite as we all agree CKB and RGB++ needs more community.

So before I vote and press that heart button, I’d like to ask a few questions if thats ok? Because this sounds like a lot of money that I don’t know where its going or whom its going too.

Do you have a team website with all the team accounted for like the previous Nervos website where there are images and descriptions of job roles?. ie Jan Xie , Matt Quinn, Ren Zhang, Jane Wu that all have business and social accounts that can actually be cross verified?
They are professional people that have stated they work for the project and have been verified across platforms. Very important to establish a professional approach.

You’ll get my vote if you do. Anonymity is ok for non professionals not asking for substantial amounts, but a DAO for me should be treated like a bank of verification.

As we ,like to say in BTC, don’t trust…verify!!

I noticed with the other proposals (Which was very refreshing) that they had a team that exposed themselves professionally for business matters, Linkdns, Twitter accounts etc and they have a lot of notoriety across multiple chains. Have your team done the same thing and published this information?

These are certain credentials I ask for now that other proposals have set as a bench mark. In my mind, a private financier/VC can fund whom they like. Like say the CKBECO fund, its up to them how they finance projects privately, but this is a community DAO fund and we are all morally connected to these funds.

My next questions are what I asked the other project for a proposal just now.

How do you intend to build marketing campaigns, garner engagement and reach outside of the RGB++ circle (which is small currently),
What are your targets?
What constitutes a successful community and business model to you, how will the DEX fund the future of the project?
What are your long term plans for growth and over which time period will you hit those targets?
You’ve mentioned launching in the bull market, what will occur in the bear market afterwards to ensure the project lives on?
Youll need salaries in a thriving enterprise, how will that sustain your livelyhoods thereafter?



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说的我好像不支持Nervos Nation的预算审批一样,你们啊,要把公正放在心中。Nervos Nation的项目审计有人做过么?全凭自觉?

It’s a community, its not even monetised as far as I know? Are you talking about the NFT store thats launching on L1 that wasn’t funded by the DAO? Or the explainer videos that were produced a while back that was a small amount?

Im talking about why you would condone an undoxxed project instead of a doxxed project without the same criticism? I’m not involved with any Proposals, and I don’t lead or own Nervos Nation (This really shows your ignorance to the western community, Im a Twitter influencer primarily with the CN account :wink: ), I just like to question projects and I read the inconsistencies in peoples attitudes. I’m sorry if you are offended but it appears that you have chosen geography over fairness of criticism. If not then perhaps work on your public persona and consistency :wink:





Whilst I applaud your virtue signalling, I still feel that you hold different standards to different geographical locations, and a few community have mentioned it too in the past. I cannot change the perception YOU give. Only YOU can do that my friend. We all want whats best for CKB and I applaud your tenacity at times. But you are more open to giving ANON CKB, I hold values a little more closer to professionalism. Much like Nervos team are all doxxed and can be verified (True business acumen). Thats something I’d vote for for the sake of CKB. Your values might be different and think ANON is valid to fund. Seeing teams start to publish their successes and profiles (not just in this DAO, but others), names and previous histories, now I’ve evolved to recognise more serious ventures (thats not to say they wont or cant fail) but it at least gives you a face to the ‘brand’. Jan Xie and Matt Quinn for instance are great at giving a face to an occasion. This is to be applauded and encouraged. I’d like to see more courage from projects to get their names out there IMO which surprises me with you as youre usually so critical of other projects.

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The western expectations are probably less than the eastern one IMO It was non existent lol. But proposals should evolve and get less acceptable, not more, as we try to push the boundaries of what should be and what shouldn’t be. Thats how democracies evolve and why DAOs waste all their money before the right decisions are evolved. Its called ‘trial and error’ over a sustained period until people start asking more questions and not less. Thats what I noticed with your statement. It was less than usual but was worth more money. Which is confusing

A big problem currently with the DAO process is for the proposer to adapt their stance and adapt to cheaper solutions ie Negotiate, I definitely agree with that. But then why would they? (unfortunately) Many see it as ‘free money’ with no accountability and no one to uphold it once the vote goes through. Which is why this DAO needs to be more critical and not less as time goes by. Vigilance brings security of funds

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