Wallet not Syncing


I use the AppImage package of Neuron under Arch Linux. I was using version 0.35 (didn’t do anything with the wallet in the last 2 months). It was working OK. I transferred some CKB to it and staked part of it without problems.

Two days ago, I decided to update it to the latest version (0.101.0). On the first run, this message appeared:

Please note that in order to adapt to the latest version of CKB, Neuron will resynchronize the data on the chain, and the whole synchronization may take a long time.

So I waited. Nothing happened. So I left the computer running the whole night. Still nothing happened.
I killed the process and restarted the wallet. This error appeared:

0:05:18.483 › Sync:ChildProcess: (node:190006) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1134:16)

00:05:18.483 › Sync:ChildProcess: (node:190006) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 2)
(node:190006) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

I tried to downgrade to version 0.100.2. Same thing.

Then I went back to 0.35.0 and now I get this error:

00:17:51.350 › CKB: run fail: Config Error: Error { inner: ErrorInner { kind: Custom, line: Some(132), col: 0, at: Some(5213), message: missing field max_verify_cache_size, key:
00:17:51.350 › CKB: run fail: [tx_pool] } }

Any ideas of what to do?
Should I delete everything, install the latest version and use the seed phrase to get access?
Thanks in advance.

The ckb node v0.100.x is not compatible with older version, so PLZ do not re-install the older version below Neuron v0.100.0.

Since you did the downgrading operation, now please re-install Neuron with the latest version, make sure you have installed the vc_redist.x64.exe from Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads | Microsoft Docs ,and delete the whole data folder under %APPDATA%/Neuron/chains/mainnet , then restart Neuron and wait for sync, make sure to keep the PC not sleeping .

If problem still exist, welcome to report a new issue on https://github.com/nervosnetwork/neuron/issues .

The ckb node v0.100.x is not compatible with older version, so PLZ do not re-install the older version below Neuron v0.100.0. If did so, the bundled ckb node data will be broken.

For now please follow these steps:

  1. delete the whole data folder under ~/.config/Neuron/chains/mainnet;
  2. start the latest version of Neuron, wait for at least 10 mins to see if the sync works;
  3. If 10 mins later the sync still not works, restart Neuron.

If problem still exist, welcome to report a new issue on Issues · nervosnetwork/neuron · GitHub.

BTW, this error message maybe caused by the ckb-indexer process didn’t quit when close Neuron, which is a left bug in Neuron v0.100.0 but fixed in v0.100.1.
You can check if the ckb-indexer process still exist before you start the Neuron, if yes, please end the process manually before start the Neuron.

The ckb node v0.100.x is not compatible with older version, so PLZ do not re-install the older version below Neuron v0.100.0.