Wallet not Syncing

Hello, I’ve been trying for a few days now, and my wallet does not sync to the blockchain, it can’t sync with mainnet and therefor my balance is not showing up. Any tips to get this to work? I don’t really want to make my own node.

It says in bottom left of wallet mainnet (red dot) Connection error.


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Are you running both the node software and the wallet (Neuron)?
You need to be running both I believe

hey, which version are you running? the latest neuron wallet doesn’t require you to run a separate node, as its all bundled.

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Hello! Installed the wallet, shows that the synchronization is underway. Coins were sent to the wallet, there is information in the blockchain. Almost half of the days have passed, but the coins are not displayed. What could be the reason?


What does the second line mean? that the money was returned? or what?

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Just updated it now, not sure how to check its version, but when i click look for updates it says none are available so it should be up to date.

It now says "sync failed, please check network. "

I do have internet working on this device.


try uninstalling, restarting your computer and trying again.


did that. Running the 0.27.0 still has the same problem

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Try rolling back and using 0.26.0

Version 0.28.0 is being worked on right now.

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I’ll try that. It didn’t work prior though.

Do I need to separately install a node to run the wallet?

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I’ll try that. It didn’t work prior though.

Do I need to separately install a node to run the wallet?

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Hi. 0.28.0 has been released (https://github.com/nervosnetwork/neuron/releases/tag/v0.28.0).

From what you described, I believe the bundled CKB node doesn’t run correctly (you don’t have to install and run a CKB node separately). Can you provide us with more information so we can help troubleshooting?

  • OS (Windows, macOS or Linux)
  • Neuron version (in case you reinstalled) - You can check version by clicking menu Neuron - About Neuron (on macOS) or Help - About Neuron (on Windows and Linux).
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Hi, not working on PC.
Also installed wallet on a laptop, the problem remains.

When first running Neuron, did Windows firewall prompt/warn about CKB accessing network and if so did you allow that access?

4 days ago everything was fine. Synchronization went fine, I performed coin transfer operations.
I think the problem is in the neuron version.
in version 0.26 everything worked.

downloaded ckb_v0.28.0_x86_64-pc-windows-msvc, waiting for synchronization.

Since v0.26.3 Neuron has bundled CKB with it so you don’t have to run a node separately.

Actually v0.28.0 should be used with the bundled CKB node, or an updated node >= 0.28.0(CKB version, not Neuron version). If you run an old version node Neuron won’t be able to send transaction due to an RPC API change.

Must have been either the version or the OS, I downloaded it on 2 windows computers, neither worked(same problem on both). Did it with 2 macs and it synced on both, I think the ones on the mac were .26 though, i think the windows were .26.3

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We just released a new RC version: https://github.com/nervosnetwork/neuron/releases/tag/v0.29.0-rc1.

This version fixes a few sync and performance issues for mining wallets.

Hi, I am also having issues syncing.

I originally installed v0.28, but the syncing was very slow. It ran about 24 hours and only got to block 322k. It was getting slower and slower, down to about 1000 blocks an hour.

I saw you released v0.29, so I installed that, and it was really no better. I rolled back to v0.27, which gave me the “Sync failed, please check network” error.

I now get that same error on any version I install. I have uninstalled versions, updated versions, everything i can think of, but all now fail to sync

The app is able to connect to the internet to check for updates and download them, so I m not sure it is permission related

Any thoughts appreciated


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