Growing the Italian Ecosystem

Thank you for your request. We are delighted to see someone interested in contributing to the CKB community.

However, I’d like to share an experience with you. In one of my previous roles, two competitors may have been more qualified than me in certain aspects. Nevertheless, my supervisor chose me in the end. It later transpired that the other two individuals frequently changed jobs. If the company had hired them, they might have left before creating any substantial value for the organization. This experience had a profound impact on me, emphasizing the importance of loyalty and stability in team members, not just capability.

Unfortunately, upon reviewing your Twitter history, I did not find the content I was hoping to see.


I personally never judged a book from the cover or a person without looking him at work. Peace and love my friend.


not a Dev…it’s arab to me…

è come se io ti parlassi in italiano non credo che capiresti senza un traduttore giusto? Non ho idea che vuoi dimostrare in quanto non conosco i codici o scrivo scripts

You dont have to be a Developer to understand that…

The above users were all created at one time, one after the other… like someone is trying to game the system for likes…


Nice Observation brother!

Seriously… I have no clue if the Degrees in your country are given as gift in the easter eggs or you have to properly work…I follow Nervos since 3 years but I have never registred here since the time I saw a Community Grant was given to a project basically to rug people…since then I didn’t even care to check here again…one of those users is me…I’m a “fresh” user but I follow nervos since ages…same for most of the italians in my community which registred all together as soon as I made this proposal public…I would love to hear more fantastic and interesting things from you but I have to polish my nails now…

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what is this in reference to?

@IntesaSanpaolo10 please advise. It’s not right to make inflammatory accusations and then ignore follow-up questions

@IntesaSanpaolo10 @totop

Nervos Talk is a public forum, please mind your manners and be nice.

Nervos Talk 是一个公共论坛,请保持平和,注意发言措辞。

there was no offence in the post I wrote:

Friariell bell’ e papà, par e pall cu sta cazz e lengua. Nun capisc’ manc che cazz e scritt. Ma nu cazz e ingles’ rint’o paes vostr’ nun se studia?

This means only I could not understand the critics in my native language.







It was with love and peace that I wrote my last text

Avete messo così in imbarazzo gli italiani da non rendervi conto che tutti hanno visto la vostra performance incredibilmente stupida e scadente?

Torna a giocherellare con lo smalto.

Riesci a capirlo da solo senza l’aiuto di tua madre?


It’s actually another blessing, but you have to put your heart into it to feel it

I do not speak this language man…do they teach english in your country or it’s just for rich people?

@IntesaSanpaolo10 You were warned, very close to closing this topic.

There is a translation button below posts that are written in other languages.

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there are several offences in italian there…I’m sure you can read that translating with the button…this is funny really…

I’ll help you…
with this important tool you can translate those sign in a proper language:

don’t thank me, I feel sorry for your very poor english skills, don’t worry you’ll survive

It’s been 7 days, after removing likes from users who voted multiple times, this proposal didn’t reach 30 likes.