[DIS] Rosen Bridge - Connecting CKB to Cardano, Ergo, and Beyond

Alright, I could say that in past years CKB has been my daily bread as I single-handedly developed and launched iCKB, a project with non trivial technical uncertainties. For this work I received funding from the Foundation and Community DAO. I also presented iCKB at the CKCON. Feel free to bless iCKB with your valued time :hugs:

I studied the RGB++ protocol too, finding all its gotchas and there are quite a few, well hidden of course. For example in very particular conditions the RGB++ protocol has issues with reorgs. Also you cannot build AMMs with RGB++ as CKB smart contracts cannot be represented on BTC. Also you cannot wrap BTC into a wrapped-BTC with RGB++ for the very same reasons. And the list goes on…

The RGB++ protocol, while being a brilliant idea, has significant restrictions on its use-cases and that’s why we are not seeing a broader adoption.

I’m sorry about your loss. That said, if we follow you logic and apply fairly to any technical innovation on Nervos, then iCKB, RGB++, Fiber… would not have happened.

Also you are comparing a space program (high technical uncertainties like the aforementioned projects) with a low technical uncertainties integration, at high level:

  • Rosen Bridge runs on well known primitives.
  • Rosen Bridge does not require validation logic on the Nervos side as the validation fully resides on Ergo.
  • What resides on the Nervos side is multisig wallets, standard xUDT Owner Scripts and what’s needed to provide oracles for the validation on Ergo. All this happens in the most decentralized way possible.

Agreed @woodbury.bit, the following statement is weak when asking for the allocation of 8M CKB on Community DAO:

As the proposal in its current iteration is not eligible for a Metaforo vote as @JackyLHH can confirm:

@Armeanio, since you already conducted a preliminary technical review, it would put our minds at ease if you could explain:

  1. What this preliminary technical review consisted of? What were you looking for?
  2. What are the results? Why is Nervos feasible?
  3. What are the next investigation steps if this proposal goes through? What do you need to investigate more deeply?
  4. What are the milestones details? What are the timeline, costs, and deliverables for each stage? (An approximation is fine)

Love & Peace, Phroi