I always read all of your posts carefully and think you make excellent points in the input you have in all the proposals that get put forward here.
I just think at some point we need to loosen the strings a bit and take some risks.
I also don’t have any more information about Omiga than you do, but I just have a feeling that they are not ‘outsiders’ and would be known to the CKB dev community, but this is just a guess.
哈哈这个项目当一下气氛组也是好的 真的难得论坛这么热闹
我也是试了一下ckb开发就放弃了 如果evm难度是100分 solana难度是200分 nervos就是1000分
哈哈有时候我想为如果要骗一波直接在godwoken上做铭文好了 跟隔壁cfx一样 omiga敢在L1做勇气可嘉
谢谢谢谢 我全力支持项目组 他们都有消息! 我被他们玩了
其实我特别不靠谱 哎。。。 败了
We use Milestones as a time point for Grants, but it doesn’t imply that the funds received at that point are solely for the development of a particular feature. These results represent our continuous development and delivery efforts, where all funds will be allocated towards server leasing, purchasing necessary services, development costs such as UI, front-end, back-end, contracts, and various compatibility tests. As a user, you may only see some superficial changes, such as the addition of MetaMask to the supported wallet pages, but behind the scenes, a comprehensive system is required to support it.
Open source or not? I didn’t find any links to GitHub here or in your website.
Thank you, Ser! Have A Great Day!
Not yet, but we will open source at the appropriate time.
Thank you Oliver for your reply
Regarding the products and plans you mentioned,
- Omiga is a CKB inscription protocol and we will deploy the type script of the Omiga protocol on the mainnet. CKB browser/JoyID will support the inscriptions minted by the Omiga protocol.
- Additionally, we will open our OpenAPI interface, which allows any third party to develop Omiga inscriptions based on these interfaces.
- Omiga will also launch its own marketplace to meet users’ transactional needs for inscriptions.
- Finally, we will continue to explore innovative ways to use different inscriptions (such as SporeNFT, PoW) and integrate them into the Omiga protocol.
These are our plans, and we welcome the community to provide more suggestions and opinions to help us better plan and build a better Omiga.
Thank you for this. I can see you have also added more details to the original grant including detailed milestones. This is more reassuring.
We understand your concerns, but you know, due to different regulations in various regions, we are unable to disclose information about our team and past project experiences. We hope that community members can understand our predicament and allow us to move forward.
I appreciate the sentiment here and understand that some jurisdictions are more hostile to this kind of work. I am assuming given that your team has prior blockchain experience that this too would have been done anonymously? Really I just want reassurance that the team has a track record that it can stand by.
The context here is that there have been multiple projects in the past that have been anonymous, that have subsequently abandoned their projects which creates difficulties and a lack of accountability.
This is especially relevant because the amount being asked for is not a small amount. I think these concerns could be alleviated if - with your agreement - the grant is processed in smaller amounts as per the stages/milestones mentioned in the proposal, and at each stage the community is advised about progress and when the next part of the grant is due to be released.
Overall, I like the project and wish it to be a successful one.
I agree. I do think it is important however for the community to get into a good habit of exercising due dilligence, looking at what the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal are. If anything, it reinforces that we have thoroughly considered the proposal and encourages future proposals to be of higher quality.
according to the DAO rules, only 20% of requested budget will be disbursed initially.
“subsequent payments will be determined based on specific milestones or goals.”
65,000 USD given to anonymous people is not serious. Even 20% of the requested amount is too much for me. I definitely don’t support it.