The Multiple Chain Asset Lending Protocol Based on Interoperability 2.0

First of all,sorry I don’t know how to code and what a pity that there is not any guide to teach devs how to build based on interoperability 2.0.

However, thanks for the more and more doc and the implementation like Gliaswap emerging, I have some ideas for a lending protocol that could take the advantages of those three components.

Here are some steps:

  1. Fork the code of a popular lending protocol e.g. Aave (For personal preference, I don’t like Compound ) by Polyjuice.
  • It ensures the UX could be the same as the lending dApp on ETh as possible.
  1. Using the ForceBridge to implement the asset cross-chain deposit and borrowing.
  • any timeline for the usable version of FB?
  1. adopt the PW-core to let multichain wallet to be the access of the lending dApps.

The interface could look like this:

Source:Aave and coinmarketcap

And don’t forget the liquidity of the lending asset could be shared with Glia Protocol I guess.
btw if any update or spec of Glia, let me know pls.

In my opinion, a single dApp owning an independent application chain would be a trend if the cost of developing a chain is lower than the cost of waiting for layer2 ready or ETH2.0.
Compound Chain claim to do so, on the positive side, Nervos has proven the path could work and somehow may have the possibility to provide some infrastructures for such dApps.

However,on the bad side, it seems not such much time left for Nervos. As we see that Compound has attempted to launch Compound chain( and take the position of multi-chain-lending -platform. The high possibility I guess that they will meet the countless difficulties than they estimate, but I worry is that they have left an impression for ppl when they talk about this topic.

Notice: there has been some KOL trying to blow Compound Chian and give some impressive graph so far.

source: Kerman Kohli - DeFi Weekly


And there is one idea I slightly suggest: build a tutorial to make a solidity smart contract engineer easily to deploy their contract on CKB based on interoperability 2.0. It may be a very essential thing to empower community builders.