Rgb++ 未来如何引入btc


I believe some type of cross-chain bridge for BTC is on the roadmap.

之前 Baiyu 在 AMA 中提到过,一个是去中心化的方案,类似 tBTC,另一个是中心化方案,与合规、持有牌照的机构(Matrixport)合作。

附那次 AMA 的思维导图:




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Sorry, I don’t agree with this at all.

Bridges are an extremely high security risk as we’ve seen from the many bridge exploits over the past few years. If CKB/RGB++ was to develop a ‘better than nothing’ bridge that gets exploited and people lose their Bitcoin then this whole show is over, we won’t recover from that.

I think there’s certain things that can probably be ‘rushed’ out, but cross chain bridges aren’t one of them.