Possible Collaboration and Integration between RGB and CKB

The recent release of RGB++ has sparked controversy in the RGB community. Given that BTC and CKB are both permissionless PoW blockchains, anyone can develop applications based on BTC and CKB according to their own ideas.

However, as a UTXO-based blockchain, CKB can still assist the RGB protocol in certain aspects and be integrated with it. Below are two feasible directions proposed:

  1. Integrating CKB into RGB’s xchain mechanism would allow users of the RGB protocol to have an optional intermediate chain between the extremely secure BTC blockchain and the Liquid federated sidechain. CKB, as a PoW blockchain that has undergone halving and operated normally for four years, can help maintain a balance between settlement guarantees and performance at the commitment layer for the RGB protocol, thereby promoting the development of the RGB protocol.
    rgb-core/src/contract/xchain.rs at v0.11 · RGB-WG/rgb-core

  2. Advocating for CKB-VM based on the RISC-V instruction set to become an option for the RGB protocol, in addition to AluVM. This would enable programming languages such as C, Rust, and even Lua and JS, widely used by developers, to be used for implementing RGB smart contracts, thereby expanding the infrastructure of the RGB ecosystem to allow a broader range of developers to enter the RGB ecosystem. Furthermore, due to the high performance of CKB-VM, integrating zero-knowledge proofs into the RGB protocol would become easier to implement.
    rgb-core/src/validation/script.rs at v0.11 · RGB-WG/rgb-core
    rgb-core/src/schema/script.rs at v0.11 · RGB-WG/rgb-core

近期,RGB++的发布在RGB社区引起了争议,由于BTC和CKB接为无准入的 PoW 公链,所以任何人都可以基于 BTC 和 CKB 按照自己的设想来开发应用。但是,作为UTXO公链,CKB仍可以在某些角度帮助RGB协议,并与RGB协议整合。下面提出两个可行的方向。

  1. 将 CKB 整合进 RGB 的 xchain 机制,这将使得 RGB 协议的用户,可以在极致安全的 BTC 公链与联盟链 Liquid之间,存在一个可选的中间链,CKB是一条经历过减半并正常运行五年的PoW公链,可以有助于 RGB 协议有一个结算保证与性能之间保持平衡的commitment结算层,从而促进 RGB 协议发展。
  2. 推动基于 RISC-V 指令集的 CKB-VM 成为 RGB 协议除 AluVM 外的可选项,这将使得 C 语言,Rust,乃至于 Lua,JS 等用于广泛开发者的编程语言都可以用于实现 RGB 智能合约,从而扩展 RGB 生态的基础设施,以使得更广阔的开发者可以进入RGB生态。并且由于 CKB-VM 的高性能,整合零知识证明到RGB协议将变得更易于实现。