Omiga Review and Next Steps |Omiga 简要回顾与下一步计划


Omiga has successfully launched its first inscription, $MEMES, which has generated two million transactions on the CKB blockchain. This makes it the most transaction-intensive application in the history of CKB, and it has undergone stress testing on the CKB mainnet, proving the stability of CKB under such high transaction loads.

The minting of $MEMES utilizes xUDT, which is mergeable.

The minting rule for $MEMES initially allows only 10 inscriptions per transaction. Initially, the plan was to use the frontend for minting, but soon it was discovered that some individuals were exploiting scripts to mint $MEMES. These script users could still only mint 10 inscriptions per transaction, but they took advantage of xUDT’s mergeability, allowing them to continuously mint with just one xUDT, practically at zero cost due to the low transaction fees on the CKB network.

Upon discovering this, we had several options:

  1. Disable minting for $MEMES.
  2. Continue minting for $MEMES.

During our intense internal discussions, we discovered that a community user has independently developed his own script and proclaimed, “The first token on Nervos should not be a solo game; $MEMES should be everyone’s MEME.” This revelation has greatly shocked and inspired us. Indeed, isn’t this the spirit of “MEMES”? Open, compatible, entertaining, and democratized. If everyone participates in this script frenzy, perhaps this “launch event” can turn $MEMES into a true MEME. We shouldn’t stifle it. In the end, we firmly chose to continue open minting. Even if the launch process of this first token may deviate from our initial design, we choose to accept it gladly. Who cares! As long as everyone is happy.

We accepted scripts developed by the community and made them publicly available for everyone to use, providing an opportunity for many community members to experience scripting for the first time.

Considering that CKB has a historically low transaction volume and infrastructure might not have been upgraded for a long time, conducting stress testing can help the CKB mainnet identify more issues and prepare its infrastructure for potential application explosions on CKB in the future.

Indeed, this stress test revealed many issues. Initially, there was some mining pools whose nodes couldn’t keep up with block synchronization. Even under heavy network loads, some mining pools were still producing blocks with zero transactions. After this stress test, the CKB core team is expected to coordinate with mining pools to address these issues.

We sincerely hope that the forging of $MEMES is beneficial to the CKB community. Also, we will consider how to empower $MEMES, as it is the first inscription issued on CKB in a decentralized manner, and it has undergone robust stress testing on the CKB mainnet. The historical value of $MEMES is unparalleled, not to mention the dramatic process of its creation.

Next Steps

After the launch of Omiga, we received many suggestions from enthusiastic community members about the Omiga protocol. Many of these suggestions were excellent, and we have adopted some of them, gradually improving the Omiga protocol based on the technical feasibility. The following are brief rules for the upcoming Omiga-box that we are implementing:

  • Inscriptions minted (Omiga-box) are a form of NFT, which can be converted into xUDT through the Omiga protocol after minting.
  • The Deployer must lock a portion of CKB to deploy inscriptions, and this CKB will be refunded after minting ends to prevent unlimited deployment of new inscriptions, leading to waste of inscription resources.
  • The start and end times of minting will be entirely determined on-chain, not controlled by the Deployer. The Deployer, during deployment, needs to set a start and end time for minting. After the minting end time, anyone can come to close Mint.
  • Each minting operation must strictly occupy CKB (minimum occupancy is 145 CKB, set by the Deployer), and the minted inscriptions (essentially NFTs) cannot be merged.
  • For minted NFTs, the Deployer can choose between two modes:
    • After minting, destroy the NFT, reclaim the occupied CKB, and convert it into xUDT assets.
    • After minting, transfer the NFT to the protocol, continue to lock it as the intrinsic value of the inscription, and convert it into xUDT assets. xUDT assets can be exchanged back for NFT and destroyed, reclaiming the occupied CKB. For example, when a BOX NFT can be converted into 10000 xUDT, at any time in the future, you can exchange 10000 xUDT for one BOX NFT, and get the occupied ckb.

More detailed rule explanations will be announced to the community in the future. We also noticed that some community members suggested that the locked CKB can be invested in NervosDAO as a yield-generating asset. This is a brilliant idea, and we will assess its implementation difficulty before considering introducing these ideas.

The design above will require time for design and development. If you have any new ideas, please let us know.

The programming of the Cell model is complex and challenging, and we are continuously learning and evolving based on these changes, ensuring continuous delivery. Thank you for the community’s support of the Omiga protocol.


OMIGA 已经发布了第一个铭文 $MEMES,该铭文在 CKB 链上产生了两百万笔交易,是有史以来在CKB上交易数最多的应用,并对CKB主网进行了压测,而CKB十分稳定,经受住了考验。

$ MEMES 的 mint 使用了 xUDT,而 xUDT 是可以合并的.

$ MEMES 的 mint 限定规则为每笔交易只能 mint 10个,一开始我们准备使用前端进行 mint,但是很快,我们发现有脚本小子在利用脚本在 mint $MEMES,并且利用了 $MEMES 的规则,脚本小子仍然只能一笔交易 mint 十个,但是他利用了 xUDT 的合并功能,使得只用一个 xUDT 即可不断 mint,而由于 CKB 链上手续费低廉,这几乎等同于零成本。


  1. 关闭 $MEMES 的 mint。
  2. 继续 $MEMES 的 mint。



并且我们也考虑到 CKB 长期交易数很低,有可能基础设施已经长久没有升级,所以进行一次压测可以帮助 CKB 主网发现更多问题,以为未来 CKB 上面应用爆发做好基础设施的准备。


我们衷心希望 $MEMES 的铸造是对 CKB 社区有益的,并且我们也将思考怎么赋能 $MEMES,作为 Omiga 的首发铭文,并且也是 CKB 上第一个去中心化发行出来的代币资产,同时还对 CKB 主网进行了强力的压力测试,$MEMES具有无语伦比的历史价值,更别提 $MEMES 的产生的历程是多么具有戏剧性。


Omiga 上线后,我们收到了社区里很多热心的朋友给Omiga协议的建议,有很多建议都非常好,我们采纳了其中的一些建议,并根据技术实现的难易程度逐步完善 Omiga 协议。下面是接下来我们正在实施的Omiga-box的简要规则:

  • mint 出来的铭文是一种 NFT(我们称为Omiga-box),在mint结束后可,通过 Omiga 协议转换成 xUDT。

  • Deployer 必须锁定一部分 CKB 才能部署铭文,并且在 mint 结束后退还,以防止有人无限制地部署新铭文造成铭文资源的浪费。

  • 开始 mint 和结束 mint 的时间将完全由链上确定,而不是由 Deployer 控制。

    Deployer 在部署的时候需要设置一个开始 mint 的时间和结束 mint 时间,当到了 mint 结束的时间点后,任何人都可以来 Close Mint。

  • 每次 mint 必须严格占用 CKB (最小占用 145 CKB,可由 Deployer 来设置),并且mint出来的铭文(本质是NFT)不可合并。

  • 对于mint出来的NFT,Deployer可以选择两种模式:

    • mint结束后,销毁NFT,同时将里面占用的 CKB 取回,同时转换出 xUDT 资产
    • 将 NFT 转移给协议,继续锁定作为铭文的基础价值,并转换出xUDT资产,并且xUDT资产可以换回 NFT 并销毁,取出里面占据的CKB。比如说当一个 BOX NFT可以转换为 10000 xUDT,那么未来任何时候,你都可以用 10000 xUDT 换回一张NFT。

更详细的规则说明,我们将在未来详细向社区公布。我们还注意到社区有成员建议锁定的CKB可以投入 NervosDAO 作为生息资产,相当于铭文的基础价值一直在上升,这是一个很天才的想法,我们会根据实现难度评估是否引入这些想法。


Cell 模型的编程非常复杂和困难,我们也在不断学习,我们将根据变化持续演进,持续交付。谢谢社区对Omiga协议的支持。


我通过 joyid 随便搓了几个,没想到过程这么曲折。你们做得很棒,期待下一个版本!

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Omiga is probably the best consumer app launched on nervos so far, great work team! Whatever you do next, you have my support.
