Neuron Wallet Displays 0 CKB after clearing cache

Hi all, need some help. Initially was facing some issues with the wallet whereby it was displaying some locked CKB but I couldn’t assess it the tokens at all even via the Customized Assets tab to I read that clearing cache might help.

After clearing cache and resyncing to 100% to the latest block, the locked CKB and my actual wallet balance are both 0 right now.

Please help.

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What’s your ckb address?

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I withdrew the CKB from the Nervos DAO though but the transaction is not logged even on explorer. Not sure what is going on

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Trying to change to the Light Mainnet Light Client and let it resync to see if it helps

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Ok I’m looking at the transactions and I realise that what?! The withdrawal from the DAO went into another wallet address which was not the initial one that I used to deposit it into!?

What is going on omg.

At last, the withdrawed ckb lay on address ckb1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqgllnwtj9ez4qqyazz6wwq99dn9murn85gn065zx, you can click Neuron’s Address Book to check whether it is your address. Neuron will generate many addresses for you.
if it is your address, don’t worry, waiting for syncing to be finalized, and everything is ok.

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Where in the Neuron Wallet is the address book? I can’t seem to toggle it. Yea I found that address and am trying to get to it haha

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Unable to do it on the Neuron Wallet though. Not sure what is going on. Downloaded CKBull and am accessing it from there. Thanks for your help. If you know how to switch address on the Neuron Wallet interface do let me know too!

Thank you!

you don’t need switch address, just waiting for syncing to be done, don’t do anything before that.

I have already 3 days on 2 computers will not synchronize the wallet. how long to wait?

Does the block height keep increasing? You can try light node mode.

How do you do that? How do you do the easy knot mode? Can I send a screenshot?

yes, you can post a screenshot.


You are almost done synchronizing.

Latest block height is 12320551.


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