Add support for CKB and CKBytes native token to Paytomat Wallet. Paytomat Wallet is a multi-platform multi-currency non-custodial wallet. It supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Litecoin, DASH, Tron and other currencies as well as tokens on blockchains supporting tokens.
CKB support will allow an easier access to the blockchain for the many users who have Paytomat Wallet installed. And also a good place to have access to the funds for non-desktop users.
We are a team of 20+ mobile, backend and web developers with long blockchain developer experience. We currently work on Paytomat payment system and Paytomat Wallet as well as other exciting blockchain projects. You can find out more on
- Allow users to see their Nervos CKB addresses derived from the main seed phrase according to BIP-44 HD wallet standard
- Receive funds in CKBytes (and in future in custom UDT tokens) and see balance updates
- Send funds to other CKB users
- See transaction history for all incoming and outgoing transactions
We will need around a month to finish CKB support to our wallet, so if we start within a week, support should be added until the end of the month.
Future development
Once we have a basic Nervos CKB support added to our wallet there are a couple of features we plan to add in the future with new blockchain releases:
- Support for UDT tokens with catalogue of existing tokens.
- Support for user notifications on incoming transactions.
- Support for issuing own tokens right from the wallet.