

using Passkey you add more devices to be able to recover the assets

Hi Yibin, I’m not sure if I understand everything your saying correctly due to the translation, but a few points.

Joyid already offers excellent backup and recovery options, so the backup phrase is an extra option and isn’t necessarily required.

If your Passkey is synced to your Google/iCloud account, then your account is already reasonably safe, other than in rare instances where the user might delete either their Passkey. (or even their whole cloud account, which I’ve seen). In this case the backup phrase is probably recommended for the 1% chance your Passkey or cloud account is accidentally deleted.

If the user has an account that is synced to their cloud account and has also upgraded and added another device that is synced to the opposing cloud account (now they have Passkey synced to both Google and iCloud) then their account is now safe under nearly any possible scenario. In this case the backup phrase is probably not necessary.

But there’s also other combinations of backup options as well, such as:

  • Synced to one cloud account and a device-bound Passkey has been added. In this case, if the synced Passkey has been deleted, then the account will still be available on the device-bound Passkey device as long as that device is still accessible.

  • Synced to 2 (or more) cloud accounts of the same platform (2 different Google or 2 different iCloud accounts)

  • A device-bound Passkey device has been added to another device-bound Passkey device. In this case there is no cloud backup, but as long as at least one of the devices that holds the account is always accessible, then the Joyid account is also always accessible.

  • Then there is the ultimate combination of recovery options, which is Passkey synced to both Google and iCloud accounts as well as a device-bound Passkey device. In this case I can’t think of any scenario where a user would ever lose access to their Joyid account, but obviously this isnt an option for everyone.

But there are a number of users that aren’t able to or maybe they just don’t want to backup their Passkeys to a cloud account. They also might not have access to a second device to add as a recovery option. So in these cases the backup phrase feature is the perfect solution, as they can still use Joyid and in the case that they break or lose their device, or they accidentally deleted the Passkey from that device, they will always be able to recover the account.

So IMO these new features are the missing piece to the puzzle when it comes to total, non-custodial wallet safety.
There is and always will be personal responsibility needed from the user to take the precautions they feel are necessary to protect themselves, but now every possible option is available.

Also, for users that have already upgraded their accounts, there is no extra cost to use the new backup phrase and private key export features, these are immediately available to them.

Also, for users that have already upgraded their accounts, there is no extra cost to use the new backup phrase and private key export features, these are immediately available to them.

But there are a number of users that aren’t able to or maybe they just don’t want to backup their Passkeys to a cloud account. They also might not have access to a second device to add as a recovery option. So in these cases the backup phrase feature is the perfect solution, as they can still use Joyid and in the case that they break or lose their device, or they accidentally deleted the Passkey from that device, they will always be able to recover the account.



Hi Yibin, really sorry for not replying to you sooner.


Yes, this is right. When a user upgrades their account, the Account Abstraction Cota Cell is created and they can take advantage of all current as well as future features.

Also, It’s important to note here, that this ‘fee payment’ is a result of CKBs architecture and tokenomics and not something that Joyid is charging users to earn revenue.

“其实助记词的备份用例也主要也就是针对这种情况下的,而这种情况应该还是比较大的可能的,尤其对于新用户,有可能他没有那么多可用的设备来做备份,有可能他不会云备份操作或者对云备份也知之甚少,或者是有人不愿意使用云出于隐私等考虑,而新用户对钱包和PASSKEY的概念也不是太了解,但清楚缓存等还是容易发生的,设备卡顿优化清理垃圾时顺路就做完了,而新用户可能根本没有意识到可能导致的情况和后果,这些其实是最普遍的情况而不是极少数。。 “

I think most people are happy to backup their Passkeys to their cloud account if their device allows this. But there are definitely some people who don’t feel comfortable relying on Google or Apple to safely store and protect their wallets and I totally respect their views on this.

In most cases, syncing the Passkey to the users cloud account is the default option and there is no requirement for the user to understand how to do this, it is all automatic. If a user doesn’t want to sync their Passkeys, then they have to take the action and ‘untick’ the box, so it is their choice.

But in cases where the device just isn’t capable of syncing Passkeys, then there is no other option but to create the account as a ‘non-Passkey’ or ‘Device-bound Passkey’ account.

This isn’t Joyid’s fault, it is a device issue and is just a consequence of Joyid being such a specific technology that it relies on the device being capable of using this specific technology…

But even though these types of accounts are very risky, they are allowed to be created because the users that can’t or don’t want to backup their Passkeys to the cloud should still be allowed to use Joyid. But they are completely made aware of the risks during the account creation as well as every time they open their wallet, they are encouraged to add a second device as a recovery option, so I don’t think where you say this “而新用户可能根本没有意识到可能导致的情况和后果,这些其实是最普遍的情况而不是极少数 “ is accurate.

“原来是有一个比较慵懒的想法,就是JOYID有一个安全升级的按钮,用户点完之后只需要验证指纹然后付费,等待系统或链上确认之后,安全升级这块显示绿色或安全保护,用户无需额外过多的操作,这样就可以完全放心了(包括极端少见的情况和可能的操作失误的情况,用户知道我做了安全升级即便最坏的情况我也是可以找回或者恢复我的钱包的),中间所有可能的情况是不需要用户考虑的,因为罗列所有这些可能的情况已经是假设用户有相当的认知了,实际上用户可能没有,当然我只是一种假想,并不一定非得基于助记词导出,我只是站在一个新用户和对钱包对PASSKEY包括助记词这些概念认知比较一般的用户的角度做出的一个比较理想化的对JOYID的一个功能假想,但并不知道容不容易实现?。。 “

While this sounds great and is maybe what new people to crypto would like, I don’t think there is anyway to do this in a decentralised, non-custodial way.

This sounds like what people would expect from your bank where they have full access to your accounts. But how can this possibly be done without the people that have the ability to help you recover your account, not also having the ability to steal your assets?

I agree with all this and I think Joyid, for most users is an excellent experience, but like I said in my first post, there will always be a degree of personal responsibility for anyone involved in crypto, this just can’t be avoided imo.

BTW have you seen the new Coinbase Passkey wallet?

I used it breifly the other day and it doesn’t seem to have any recovery options other than syncing the Passkey to the users cloud account. So I think it would probalby have all same issues Joyid has with certain device compatibility, but without any of the other options Joyid offers their users.

Thank you Yeti!

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No worries buddy!

Also, keep an eye on the Joyid Progress Board and you will see all of the major developments the team are working on. (scroll down to the bottom for the Chinese version)

I just checked it then and there’s some brand new stuff , including a solution for Windows PC users which lots of people have been wanting!