Introduce OffCKB, a CKB Local Development Environment

In standard crypto software development, the workflow starts from building on a local Devnet to a Testnet for public testing, and finally to Mainnet for production. However, CKB developers have long relied on Testnet blockchains for initial development, due to the lack of a dedicated and robust Devnet environment in the ecosystem.

Additionally, creating a full-stack project on CKB involves multiple tools such as ckb-script-templates, ckb-debugger, molecule, and ckb-cli. It also requires several stages, including Script deployment, frontend integration, and transaction debugging. This process can be quite tedious and complex for developers.

To address these challenges, we’ve introduced OffCKB, an all-in-one CLI tool that provides a local CKB development environment.


  • Simplifies development with one-line command to start the devnet and create projects from boilerplate
  • Comes with 20 pre-funded accounts and multiple minimal dApp templates for quick project setup
  • Embeds common Scripts in the genesis block, such as Omnilock, xUDT, and Spore
  • Provides a complete workflow from Script building and deployment to frontend integration for devnet
  • Includes tools like ckb-debugger, molecule, and ckb-cli
  • Features a REPL mode for quick Script testing
  • Offers configurable settings via a JSON file
  • Is built on and leverages CKB’s JavaScript SDK, CCC, in the development framework

This guide will walk you through leveraging OffCKB to kickstart your first CKB project. The version used here is v0.3.0 or later.

Table of Content


npm install -g @offckb/cli


We recommend using LTS version of Node to run offckb.


Once installed, you can view available commands by running offckb --help:

Usage: offckb [options] [command]

ckb development network for your first try

  -V, --version                                 output the version number
  -h, --help                                    display help for command

  create [options] [your-project-name]          Create a new dApp from bare templates
  node [options] [CKB-Version]                  Use the CKB to start devnet
  proxy-rpc [options]                           Start the rpc proxy server
  clean                                         Clean the devnet data, need to stop running the chain first
  accounts                                      Print account list info
  list-hashes [CKB-Version]                     Use the CKB to list blockchain scripts hashes
  inject-config                                 Add offckb.config.ts to your frontend workspace
  sync-scripts                                  Sync scripts json files in your frontend workspace
  deposit [options] [toAddress] [amountInCKB]   Deposit CKB tokens to address, only devnet and testnet
  transfer [options] [toAddress] [amountInCKB]  Transfer CKB tokens to address, only devnet and testnet
  transfer-all [options] [toAddress]            Transfer All CKB tokens to address, only devnet and testnet
  balance [options] [toAddress]                 Check account balance, only devnet and testnet
  deploy [options]                              Deploy contracts to different networks, only supports devnet and testnet
  my-scripts [options]                          Show deployed contracts info on different networks, only supports devnet and testnet
  config <action> [item] [value]                do a configuration action
  debug [options]                               CKB Debugger for development
  system-scripts [options]                      Output system scripts of the local devnet
  mol [options]                                 Generate CKB Moleculec binding code for development
  repl [options]                                A custom Nodejs REPL environment bundle for CKB.
  help [command]                                display help for command


Use offckb [command] -h to see detailed help for a specific sub command and its options.


Get started


Start a local blockchain with the default CKB version:

offckb node

Or, specify a CKB version:

offckb node 0.117.0

Or, set a default CKB version:

offckb config set ckb-version 0.117.0
offckb node

Once the Devnet is running, a RPC server will be available at http://localhost:8114.

An optional RPC proxy server runs at http://localhost:9000, forwarding requests to the RPC server. A proxy RPC server is for recording requests and automatically dumping failed transactions for later debugging.

The proxy server is optional. You can skip it by running:

offckb node --no-proxy

Alternatively, start the proxy server in a standalone terminal to better monitor the logs:

offckb proxy-rpc --ckb-rpc <http://localhost:8114> --port 9000 --network devnet

Tweak Devnet Config

OffCKB provides a default configuration for the Devnet, which you can tweak as follows:

First, start your default CKB Devnet and locate the folder.

offckb node
# Once started, press Ctrl+C to stop the node
# Get the config
offckb config list


  "devnet": {
    "rpcUrl": "<http://localhost:8114>",
    "configPath": "~/Library/Application Support/offckb-nodejs/devnet",
    "dataPath": "~/Library/Application Support/offckb-nodejs/devnet/data"

Pay attention to the devnet.configPath and devnet.dataPath. They are the directories for configuration and chain data storage.

  1. Navigate to devnet.configPath, which contains the configuration files for the local blockchain.
cd <path-to-devnet.configPath>

Modify the config files as needed to customize your Devnet. For guidance, see Custom Devnet Setup and Configure CKB for a detailed explanation.

  1. Once modified, clear the existing chain data in devnet.dataPath.
rm -rf <your-devnet.dataPath>
  1. Restart the chain with new configurations by running offckb node.

Now your customized Devnet is ready to go.

Create a Full-Stack Project

You can create a new project from predefined boilerplates with the following command:

offckb create <your-project-name, eg:my-first-ckb-project>

The fullstack boilerplate project is a monorepo that contains a script and a frontend project.

Start the Frontend

To start the frontend, navigate to the frontend folder and run:

cd frontend && npm i & npm run dev

The boilerplate supports different CKB networks. Check the in the project for details.

Create a Script-Only Project

You can create a new Script project without a frontend, which is useful when you only want to develop smart contracts for CKB.

offckb create <your-project-name> --script


Make sure Rust/Cargo/Cargo-generate/Clang 16+ is installed in your environment, since OffCKB relies on ckb-script-template to handle the core process.


Build and Deploy a Script

To build the Script, navigate to the root of the project and run:

make build

To deploy, go to the frontend folder where the default offckb.config.ts is located and run:

cd frontend && offckb deploy --network <devnet/testnet>

Or specific the path to offckb.config.ts for deploy command to locate:

offckb deploy --network <devnet/testnet> --config <file-path-to-your-offckb.config.ts-file>

Pass --type-id to make Scripts upgradable. This is optional:

cd frontend && offckb deploy --type-id --network <devnet/testnet>

Once deployed, check the Scripts with following command:

offckb my-scripts --network <devnet/testnet>

The deployed Scripts will also be listed in the frontend/offckb/my-scripts folder in your frontend project. Also, offckb.config.ts will contain the integration details to import and utilize your Scripts in the frontend dApp.

Use Deployed Scripts

Once deployed, use the Scripts as follows in your frontend:

import offckb from "offckb.config";

const myScriptDeps: CellDep[] = offCKB.myScripts["YOUR_SCRIPT_NAME"]!.cellDeps;
const myScript: Script = {
  codeHash: offCKB.myScripts["hash-lock"]!.codeHash,
  hashType: offCKB.myScripts["hash-lock"]!.hashType,
  args: lockArgs,

Debug a Transaction

Failed transactions will be dumped and recorded by the proxy RPC server for later debugging.

To debug a transaction by its transaction hash, run the following command:

offckb debug <transaction-hash>

It will verify all the Scripts in the transaction and print the details in the terminal:

offckb debug --tx-hash 0x64c936ee78107450d49e57b7453dce9031ce68b056b2f1cdad5c2218ab7232ad
Dump transaction successfully

****** Input[0].Lock ******

hello, this is new add!
Hashed 1148 bytes in sighash_all
sighash_all = 5d9b2340738ee28729fc74eba35e6ef969878354fe556bd89d5b6f62642f6e50
event = {"pubkey":"45c41f21e1cf715fa6d9ca20b8e002a574db7bb49e96ee89834c66dac5446b7a","tags":[["ckb_sighash_all","5d9b2340738ee28729fc74eba35e6ef969878354fe556bd89d5b6f62642f6e50"]],"created_at":1725339769,"kind":23334,"content":"Signing a CKB transaction\\n\\nIMPORTANT: Please verify the integrity and authenticity of connected Nostr client before signing this message\\n","id":"90af298075ac878901282e23ce35b24e584b7727bc545e149fc259875a23a7aa","sig":"b505e7d5b643d2e6b1f0e5581221bbfe3c37f17534715e51eecf5ff97a2e1b828a3d767eb712555c78a8736e9085b4960458014fa171d5d169a1b267b186d2f3"}
verify_signature costs 3654 k cycles
Run result: 0
Total cycles consumed: 4013717(3.8M)
Transfer cycles: 44947(43.9K), running cycles: 3968770(3.8M)

****** Output[0].Type ******

verify_signature costs 3654 k cycles
Run result: 0
Total cycles consumed: 3916670(3.7M)
Transfer cycles: 43162(42.2K), running cycles: 3873508(3.7M)

To debug a single Cell Script in a transaction, use the following command:

offckb debug <transaction-hash> --single-script <single-cell-script-option>

The single-cell-script-option format is <cell-type>[<cell-index>].<script-type>, eg: "input[0].lock"

  • cell-type can be input or output, referring to the Cell type
  • cell-index is the index of the Cell in the transaction
  • script-type can be lock or type referring to the Script type

Or, you can replace the Script with a binary file in a single Cell Script debug session:

offckb debug <transaction-hash> --single-script <single-cell-script-option> --bin <path/to/binary/file>

All the debug utils are provided by ckb-debugger.

Generate Molecule Bindings

Molecule is the official Serialization/Deserialization system for CKB Scripts.

Define your data structure in .mol file (schema), and generate the bindings for different programming languages used in your project.

offckb mol --schema <path/to/mol/file> --output <path/to/output/file> --lang <lang>

Supported languages (lang): ts, js, c, rs, and go.

For multiple .mol files, use a folder as the input and specify an output folder:

offckb mol --schema <path/to/mol/folder> --output-folder <path/to/output/folder> --lang <lang>


OffCKB packs a custom Node.js REPL with built-in variables and functions to help you develop CKB in the terminal with minimized effort. This is most suitable for simple Script testing tasks when long code is not desirable.

Start the OffCKB REPL

offckb repl --network <devnet/testnet/mainnet, default: devnet>

Welcome to OffCKB REPL!
[[ Default Network: devnet, enableProxyRPC: false ]]
Type 'help()' to learn how to use.
OffCKB >

Type help() to learn about the built-in variables and functions:

OffCKB > help()

OffCKB Repl, a Nodejs REPL with CKB bundles.

Global Variables to use:
  - ccc, cccA, imported from CKB Javascript SDK CCC
  - client, a CCC client instance bundle with current network
  - Client, a Wrap of CCC client class, you can build new client with
     const myClient ='devnet' | 'testnet' | 'mainnet');
     // or
     const myClient = Client.fromUrl('<your rpc url>', 'devnet' | 'testnet' | 'mainnet');
  - accounts, test accounts array from OffCKB
  - networks, network information configs
  - help, print this help message

Build a CKB Transaction in REPL

OffCKB > let amountInCKB = ccc.fixedPointFrom(63);
OffCKB > let tx = ccc.Transaction.from({
...   outputs: [
...     {
...       capacity: ccc.fixedPointFrom(amountInCKB),
...       lock: accounts[0].lockScript,
...     },
...   ],
... });
OffCKB > let signer = new ccc.SignerCkbPrivateKey(client, accounts[0].privkey);
OffCKB > await tx.completeInputsByCapacity(signer);
OffCKB > await tx.completeFeeBy(signer, 1000);
[ 0, true ]
OffCKB > await mySigner.sendTransaction(tx)

Check Balance in REPL

OffCKB > let myClient = Client.fromUrl(networks.testnet.rpc_url, 'testnet');
OffCKB > await myClient.getBalanceSingle(accounts[0].lockScript);
OffCKB >

Configure Settings

OffCKB settings are saved in a JSON file, which you can edit to update your preferences.

List All Settings

To view all available options and the JSON file path, run:

offckb config list

Set CKB Version

offckb config get ckb-version
> 0.113.0
offckb config set ckb-version 0.117.0
offckb config get ckb-version
> 0.117.0

Set Network Proxy

offckb config set proxy <>
> save new settings
offckb config get proxy
> <>
offckb config rm proxy
> save new settings
offckb config get proxy
> No Proxy.

Pre-Funded Accounts

OffCKB comes with 20 pre-funded accounts, where each one has 42_000_000_00000000 capacity in the genesis block.


These accounts are for development only, do NOT send real assets into any of them.


Run offckb accounts to print the details of these accounts:

Print account list, each account is funded with 42_000_000_00000000 capacity in the devnet genesis block.

- "#": 0
address: ckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqvwg2cen8extgq8s5puft8vf40px3f599cytcyd8
privkey: 0x6109170b275a09ad54877b82f7d9930f88cab5717d484fb4741ae9d1dd078cd6
pubkey: 0x02025fa7b61b2365aa459807b84df065f1949d58c0ae590ff22dd2595157bffefa
lock_arg: 0x8e42b1999f265a0078503c4acec4d5e134534297
    codeHash: 0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8
    hashType: type
    args: 0x8e42b1999f265a0078503c4acec4d5e134534297

- "#": 1
address: ckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqt435c3epyrupszm7khk6weq5lrlyt52lg48ucew
privkey: 0x9f315d5a9618a39fdc487c7a67a8581d40b045bd7a42d83648ca80ef3b2cb4a1
pubkey: 0x026efa0579f09cc7c1129b78544f70098c90b2ab155c10746316f945829c034a2d
lock_arg: 0x758d311c8483e0602dfad7b69d9053e3f917457d
    codeHash: 0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8
    hashType: type
    args: 0x758d311c8483e0602dfad7b69d9053e3f917457d

Built-In Scripts

OffCKB embeds common Scripts in the genesis block of the local chain. You can use it without manual deployment.

Here we list the built-in Scripts source information:

For all the genesis built-in Scripts information, use offckb system-scripts command:

offckb system-scripts --network devnet

Or export the Scripts info to a Lumos JSON file:

offckb system-scripts --export-style lumos

Or print the Scripts info in the CCC format:

offckb system-scripts --export-style ccc

About CCC

OffCKB uses CCC (CKB Javascript SDK) as the development framework for CKB dApp template projects and is itself built on CCC. For documentation, visit:

We hope this guide can help you get started with your CKB development journey! If you encounter any problems, please don’t hesitate to reach out via @CKBDev on X/Twitter.