How about giving Nervos asset to the grants on Gitcoin directly with ForceBridge?

Right after I sent some Dai to grant Pictosis on Gitcoin which is also a NFT platform on CKB .

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Suddenly the thought emerged in my mind : Is it possible to integrate the ForceBridge with Gitcoin to let ppl make good use of their CKBytes or stablecoin on CKB to grants some adorable projects on Gitcoin directly?
Aspired by the demo Dex Gliaswap, I guess that the Nervos team or community team could have a try and maybe Gitcoin could highlight our powerful interoperability 2.0 without any charge.

Btw,here will be the airdrop from $Badger if we grants the project on Gitcoin before 17,Dec

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I like this idea! And to make things better, Lay2 can provide mail-in donation entry for ckb assets, which means ppl can reply an email to directly make their donations.

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Killing it !! Amazing man!
What kinds of magic could make mail access the CKB asset ?
Seems that mean I could sign tx by mail to send $CKB -,and then those kinds of tx could be wrapped in one step? Sign Tx to { email signature – > ForceBridge —> Dai —> Gitcoin donated address }

If Gitcoin find out a dApp powered by Lay2 built on Nervos could implement it ,I believe they will COME to the moon and got CRAZY!!!

Don’t know how to describe my thrill now.

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