「活动回顾」Final Dev Meetup of this year with Patrick McCorry & Ryan Yu:Scaling Cryptocurrencies

Dev Meetup 从 2018 年 8 月 22 日第一期至今,不知不觉已经走到了第 15 场。在我们本年度最后一场 Dev Meetup 中,我们很荣幸邀请到伦敦国王学院的助理教授 Patrick McCorry 和复旦大学计算机科学博士、同时也是 TEEX 的联合创始人 Ryan Yu ,为我们带来「Scaling Cryptocurrencies」的主题分享。


(视频平台为 Youtube,请开启居家常备翻墙工具哦)

Topic 1: Scaling Cryptocurrencies via State Channels

Abstract: State channel is one of the off-chain solutions for blockchain scaling. Every party involved collectively authorizes a new state of an application locally amongst themselves. The blockchain here acts as a root of trust to guarantee:1)safety, for which each party gets the coins they deserve and 2)liveness, for which the application will always progress.

Speaker: Patrick McCorry

Introduction: Assistant Professor at King’s College London. His focus is cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, cryptography and decentralised systems. Patrick is the UK’s first Ph.D. graduate in Cryptocurrencies and his work has recently appeared at Devcon 3 & 4, Scaling Bitcoin 2017, Breaking Bitcoin 2017 and BPASE 2018 alongside numerous academic venues.

Topic 2: Protection of Data Privacy based on Blockchain and TEE Technology

Abstract: We are currently in the big data era, the intrinsic value of data has been achieving more and more attention. Both individuals and enterprises have great demand to exchange/analyze their data every day. However, the extension of data flow leads to more security risk of privacy leakage. This report will introduce how to protect privacy security in the process of data flowing using blockchain and TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) technology.

Speaker: Ryan Yu

Introduction: Co-founder of TEEX. He got his Ph.D. degree in computer science from Fudan University. Experienced on system architecture, security and virtualization.


Patrick 分享

Ryan Yu 分享



最有意思的是,在活动之后 Patrick 就发了一条 Twitter,否定了之前自己的说法,学者的严谨体现无遗。

本年度 Dev Meetup 就此告一段落,明年年初,杭州西湖区,我们精彩继续!

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