[DIS]CKBFans社区赞助提案——ckbdapps.com|CKBFans Community grant Proposal - ckbdapps.com

Hi @yixiu.ckbfans.bit , just a friendly reminder, if you wish to continue to move the proposal forward, you can choose to create a poll on Metaforo . If you do, please follow the tutorial on CKB Community Fund DAO Rules and Process to submit a voting stage proposal, thanks.

Hi @yixiu.ckbfans.bit ,友情提醒,如果你希望继续推进提案,你可以选择在 Metaforo 上创建一个投票。 如果你这样做,请按照 CKB Community Fund DAO 规则和流程 中的教程,提交 voting stage 的提案,谢谢。

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Thank you for your reminder. In the past few weeks, we have been busy improving the functionality of the existing proposal based on everyone’s feedback and refining the UI design until we were satisfied with it. Additionally, we have added some new features on top of the existing functions. I will update you later on the new features we have added and launch a proposal for voting later .


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在我们发布提案之后,@jm9k 发布了 nervoshalving.com,他做得很好。不过我们认为,一个强大的社区应该是多元化的,多一个入口展示 Nervos 有利于捕获更多用户。同时,在过去的几周里,我们从社区用户的角度出发,对提案涉及到的功能进行优化升级,结合现状,完善了UI设计,以下是该提案做出的调整内容:

  • 提案标题的主体内容更新为:CKBFans社区赞助提案——ckbdapps.com
  • 升级后的网站为 ckbdapps.com,CKB减半事件相关内容作为其中的一个子功能。
  • ckbdapps.com 定位为「一站式参与 nervos 生态」,将 nervos 生态的应用列表、教程等集成到该网站里。

Proposal Update:

After our proposal was released, @jm9k created nervoshalving.com, which was well done. However, we believe that a strong community should be diverse, and having more than one entry point to showcase Nervos would be advantageous in capturing more users. At the same time, over the past few weeks, we have optimized and upgraded the features of the proposal from the perspective of community users and in consideration of the current situation, improved the UI design. The following are the adjustments made to the proposal:

  • The main content of the proposal title has been updated to “CKBFans Community Sponsorship Proposal - ckbdapps.com
  • The upgraded website is ckbdapps.com, with the halving event of CKB as one of its sub-functions.
  • ckbdapps.com is positioned as a “one-stop participation in Nervos ecology” platform, integrating the application list and tutorials of Nervos ecology into the website.

2023/03/29 Update: Voting is now live on

2023/03/29 更新:投票现已开始


我们非常理解社区用户对于CKB Community Fund DAO投票权重问题的关注,为了维护社区的公平公正以及健康发展,我们决定暂时关闭关于ckbdapps.com的投票提案(本次投票结果作废),等待元规则确定以及权重计算问题修复后再发起新的投票提案。

We fully understand the community users’ concerns about the weighting of votes for the CKB Community Fund DAO. To maintain fairness, justice, and healthy development of the community, we have decided to temporarily close the voting proposal about ckbdapps.com (the results of this vote are invalid), and wait until the meta-rules are determined and the weight calculation issues are fixed before initiating a new voting proposal.

同时我们依然会继续推进ckbdapps.com的开发事宜,确保网站按计划上线。关于这个网站我们确实也曾听到一些反对的声音,觉得如果只是减半事件介绍的话,之前有类似的网站了(nervoshalving.com),就没必要重复建设。或者是觉得应该把社区资源拿去做一些更宏大、更重要的事情等等,当然也有很多非常棒的建议,非常感谢大家的关注。我们在听取这些声音后也在不断思考,经过大家充分的讨论之后才有了现在ckbdapps.com的雏形,我们深思熟虑之后还是希望能保留减半事件的介绍页面内容,我们始终认为一个强大的社区应该是多元化的,多一个入口展示 Nervos 有利于捕获更多用户。同时我们也结合了部分社区用户的意见,决定把网站定位为“一站式探索Nervos生态”,将Nervos生态的应用列表、教程等都集成到该网站里,同时CKB减半事件相关内容作为其中的一个子功能,我们希望升级后的ckbdapps.com可以作为新用户认识、了解Nervos的第一站,同时全方位帮助新老用户更便捷地认识Nervos、了解Nervos,以及更好地使用Nervos生态上的应用。

At the same time, we will continue to promote the development of ckbdapps.com to ensure that the website is launched as planned. We have indeed heard some opposing voices about this website, who believe that if it only reduces the event introduction, there have been similar websites before (nervoshalving.com), so there is no need to repeat the construction. Or they believe that community resources should be used for BIG and more important things, and of course, there are many excellent suggestions. Thank you very much for your attention. After listening to these voices, we have been thinking and, after extensive discussions, have developed the prototype of ckbdapps.com. After careful consideration, we still hope to retain the content of the CKB halving event introduction page. We always believe that a strong community should be diversified, and having one more entry point to showcase Nervos can capture more users. At the same time, we also incorporated some of the opinions of community users and decided to position the website as a “one-stop exploration of the Nervos ecosystem,” integrating the application list and tutorials of the Nervos ecosystem into the website. The content related to the CKB halving event will be one of its sub-functions. We hope that the upgraded ckbdapps.com can serve as the first stop for new users to get to know and understand Nervos, as well as help both new and old users to easily understand and use applications in the Nervos ecosystem.


  • 网站的视觉设计,其中包括一整套Logo,多个页面的视觉效果(已完成);

  • 网站框架的搭建(已完成)

  • 各个页面的功能处理(正在进行中)


We are delighted to announce some of our current achievements to the community here for the first time:

  • The visual design of the website, including a complete set of logos and the visual effects of multiple pages (already completed):

  • The construction of the website framework (already completed);

  • The processing of functions on various pages (currently in progress).

We will continue to move forward with the development of ckbdapps.com and regularly update the community on our progress.

We deeply understand that the community is the core and soul of the Nervos ecosystem. We are very grateful for the support and help from the community users, and we will continue to uphold the spirit of community co-construction and win-win, and work together with the vast community users to promote the prosperity and development of the Nervos ecosystem. Thank you all!


2023/05/17 Update: Our poll has been restarted, please come and cast your votes:

2023/05/17 更新:投票现已重新启动,请前往投票

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Updating the community on our work progress:

Here’s what we’ve accomplished so far:

  1. We’ve successfully implemented the core animation for the halving page.
  2. We’ve integrated the Lumos SDK to fetch RPC data and implemented the countdown timer for the halving.


Currently, we’re actively working on:

  1. Creating visually appealing effects for the mobile version.
  2. Developing the DApps list and DApp details page.
  3. And various other tasks are also in progress.

Looks great, I’ve voted yes. Looking forward to see the dapps and ecosystem pages!

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Thanks for your support! We’re constantly working on making it even better and more polished. Our goal is to invite the community to join us in testing and experiencing our website in two weeks’ time. Stay tuned!


Updates (May 26, 2023):

Payment for this proposal has been made​:point_down:


这份提案的款项已支付 :point_down:


Funding has been received. Thank you, Jacky, and the community for your support. We will update our development progress in the next two days, so please stay tuned.



Hi, community, In the past week, here’s the progress we have made:

  1. Added a block progress section to dynamically showcase the halving principle and progress.

  2. Added support for Chinese and English languages.

  3. Optimized the visual effects of the ecosystem page, while collecting project information and adding it to the ecosystem page.

  4. The visual effects for the mobile version have been completed.

Moving forward, we will continue with the following tasks:

  1. Continuously collect project information and add it to the ecosystem page.
  2. Improve the configuration of language packs for Chinese and English.
  3. Design the homepage.

Hi, community, In the past week, here’s the progress we have made:

  1. Generate a cool dynamic ecosystem diagram using code on the homepage.

  2. We have collected information from over 50 projects and added them to the ecosystem page (A special thanks to @JackyLHH for his previous work, which saved us a lot of time).

  3. Completed the introduction page at the bottom of the halving page.

Moving forward, we will continue with the following tasks:

  1. Continuously collect project information and add them to the ecosystem page.
  2. Improve the configuration of language packs for Chinese and English.
  3. Continuously improve the design of the homepage.

We’ll launch a test version next week for the community to experience. Please stay tuned.


Love it, looking forward to it!

Dear Nervos CKB community,

We are excited to announce the release of the dev-testing version of ckbdapps:

We invite all of you to come and experience it firsthand. We would appreciate it if you could leave your feedback and comments below :link::point_right:this post so that we can gather your valuable suggestions for improvement. Our plan is to address the optimization suggestions raised by the community over a week and release an official version next Thursday.

Thank you for your support and participation!

Best regards,


亲爱的Nervos CKB社区小伙伴们:

我们很高兴地宣布 ckbdapps 的 dev 测试版已经发布:

现在,我们诚挚地邀请大家前来参与尝鲜体验。希望中文社区的小伙伴能:point_right:这里 留下您的意见和反馈,以便我们收集宝贵的改进建议。我们计划在接下来的一周内集中解决社区提出的优化建议,并在下周四发布正式版本



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Hey CKB fam, as planned, ckbdapps.com is now live! Feel free to share it with everyone.

CKB的家人们,端午安康,正如计划中的那样,ckbdapps.com 已经上线啦,快去和大家一起分享吧。

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Hey CKB fam, We have just added search, watchlist, and submit dapps. Feel free to give it a try!


Hey, CKB fam, We’ve just added 「Events」module, Feel free to explore all the Nervos ecosystem events in one stop.

家人们,我们刚刚上线了活动模块,方便大家一站式地浏览并参加 Nervos生态上的活动。

At the same time, there have always been people asking how to join the Nervos community. This time, we’ve added a ‘Community’ tag on the ecosystem page, featuring CKBfans for Chinese-speaking users, Nervos Nation for English-speaking users, and the developer-focused HaCKBee dev community.

同时,以前总会有人问,如何加入到 nervos 社区,这次我们在生态页面增加了社区标签,增加了面向中文用户的CKBfans、面向英文用户的Nervos Nation以及面向开发者的HaCKBee社区。


this is a great update, glad CKBFans continues to grow, thank you for sharing!


This is a good update, making life easy for the community. Super convenient.