CKBull and Neuron sync

I have CKBull installed on my phone.
I have Neuron sync with full node version 0.110.2 on my computer.

The Neuron balance is higher than my CKBull balance.


Neuron available balance = 202,589.02
CKBull available balance = 179,223.02
difference of 23,366.

I do not wish to show my DAO balance for privacy.
(Neuron DAO balance and my CKBull DAO balance)
but the difference is 821,598

Anyone else have difference Neuron and CKBull balances?
Anyone have the same balance for Neuron and CKBull?

If I attempt to deposit 200,000 CKB in the Nervos DAO, I receive this message:

I believe this error stems from CKBull balance/sync, but I am not sure hence I post on the Nervos forum.

Here is my CKBull snapshot:

Hi @joshyates1980

For the first question, please go to Neuron => Receive => Address Book to check if the first address has the same balance as the one of CKBull.

Here’s the explanation:
Neuron and CKBull both use the same algorithm to generate addresses, and there will be infinite addresses to be derived from the mnemonics in rules of

The difference between Neuron and CKBull is that, in Neuron, an account consists of a set of addresses, as mentioned above, there will be infinite addresses to be derived. While in CKBull, only the first address in the set will be treated as an account for easy usage because the address is eternal.

So, the account of CKBull can be considered a subset of Neuron’s account, and balance of Nueron should be >= that of CKBull.

For the second question, the error message implies that the cache of Neuron is incorrect, and it can be fixed by Settings => Data => Clear Cache without fully rebuilding index. It flushes the cache to fix synchronization issues.

BTW, hiding CKB capacity will be supported in the next release


Hey, This is Víctor from CKBull team, is this issue solved already? Do the balances match now? If not, could you join our telegram: Telegram: Contact @CKBull_Wallet for a further discussion?


Yes, @keith provided a most excellent response to my issue and now is resolved.
Thank you both for the replies.