Introduction to CKB Script Programming 7: Advanced Duktape Examples
此为第2篇文章,第1篇文章: Duktape 高级编程(1)
Adding new library 添加新库
- 该库有一个ES5版本(或者可以实际调整webpack pipeline 以添加polyfill);
- 它完全是在JavaScript中实现的,没有本地代码
$ cd $TOP/htlc-template
$ npm install --save crc32
$ cat src/index.js
const { Molecule } = require('molecule-javascript')
const schema = require('../schema/blockchain-combined.json')
const names = schema.declarations.map(declaration => declaration.name)
const scriptTypeIndex = names.indexOf('Script')
const scriptType = new Molecule(schema.declarations[scriptTypeIndex])
// Write your script logic here.
const customSchema = require('./htlc-combined.json')
const customNames = customSchema.declarations.map(d => d.name)
const htlcArgsIndex = customNames.indexOf('HtlcArgs')
const htlcArgsType = new Molecule(customSchema.declarations[htlcArgsIndex])
function bytesToHex(b) {
return "0x" + Array.prototype.map.call(
new Uint8Array(b),
function(x) {
return ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)
function hexStringArrayToHexString(a) {
let s = "0x";
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
s = s + a[i].substr(2)
return s
const current_script = scriptType.deserialize(bytesToHex(CKB.load_script(0)))
const args = hexStringArrayToHexString(current_script[2][1])
const htlcArgs = htlcArgsType.deserialize(args)
CKB.debug(`c: ${hexStringArrayToHexString(htlcArgs[2][1])}`)
const crc32 = require('crc32')
CKB.debug(crc32('i am a secret'))
$ npm run build
$ cd $TOP/htlc-runner
$ RUST_LOG=debug `./runner.js ../ckb-duktape/build/load0 ../htlc-template/build/duktape.js`
DEBUG:<unknown>: script group: Byte32(0x35ab3d033e66c426573ed4b7ce816e248cb042d908fd8cfe7bba27acb37fb108) DEBUG OUTPUT: c: 0x970dd9a8
DEBUG:<unknown>: script group: Byte32(0x35ab3d033e66c426573ed4b7ce816e248cb042d908fd8cfe7bba27acb37fb108) DEBUG OUTPUT: 970dd9a8
Run result: Ok(0)
你可能会注意到,我们在这里打印的2个值是完全相同的! 这是因为 i am a secret
Piecing the Contract Together 把合约合并起来
$ cd $TOP/htlc-template
$ cat src/index.js
const { Molecule } = require('molecule-javascript')
const schema = require('../schema/blockchain-combined.json')
const names = schema.declarations.map(declaration => declaration.name)
const scriptTypeIndex = names.indexOf('Script')
const scriptType = new Molecule(schema.declarations[scriptTypeIndex])
// Write your script logic here.
const customSchema = require('./htlc-combined.json')
const customNames = customSchema.declarations.map(d => d.name)
const htlcArgsIndex = customNames.indexOf('HtlcArgs')
const htlcArgsType = new Molecule(customSchema.declarations[htlcArgsIndex])
function bytesToHex(b) {
return "0x" + Array.prototype.map.call(
new Uint8Array(b),
function(x) {
return ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)
function hexStringArrayToString(a) {
let s = "";
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
s = s + String.fromCharCode(parseInt(a[i]))
return s
function hexStringArrayToHexString(a) {
let s = "0x";
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
s = s + a[i].substr(2)
return s
function parseLittleEndianHexStringArray(a) {
let v = 0
const l = a.length
for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
v = (v << 8) | parseInt(a[l - i - 1])
return v
const current_script = scriptType.deserialize(bytesToHex(CKB.load_script(0)))
const args = hexStringArrayToHexString(current_script[2][1])
const htlcArgs = htlcArgsType.deserialize(args)
// Load and parse witness data using the same method as above
const htlcWitnessIndex = customNames.indexOf('HtlcWitness')
const htlcWitnessType = new Molecule(customSchema.declarations[htlcWitnessIndex])
const rawWitness = CKB.load_witness(0, 0, CKB.SOURCE.GROUP_INPUT)
if (typeof rawWitness === 'number') {
throw new Error(`Invalid response when loading witness: ${rawWitness}`)
const htlcWitness = htlcWitnessType.deserialize(bytesToHex(rawWitness))
let lockHashToMatch;
if (htlcWitness[0][1].length > 0) {
// Test secret string hash
const crc32 = require('crc32')
const hash = '0x' + crc32(hexStringArrayToString(htlcWitness[0][1]))
if (hash !== hexStringArrayToHexString(htlcArgs[2][1])) {
throw new Error(`Invalid secret string!`)
lockHashToMatch = hexStringArrayToHexString(htlcArgs[0][1])
} else {
// Test header block
const headerTypeIndex = names.indexOf('Header')
const headerType = new Molecule(schema.declarations[headerTypeIndex])
// Load header for current input first
const rawInputHeader = CKB.load_header(0, 0, CKB.SOURCE.GROUP_INPUT)
if (typeof rawWitness === 'number') {
throw new Error(`Invalid response when loading input header: ${rawInputHeader}`)
const inputHeader = headerType.deserialize(bytesToHex(rawInputHeader))
const inputHeaderNumber = parseLittleEndianHexStringArray(inputHeader[0][1][3][1])
const targetHeaderIndex = parseLittleEndianHexStringArray(htlcWitness[1][1])
const rawTargetHeader = CKB.load_header(0, targetHeaderIndex,
if (typeof rawTargetHeader === 'number') {
throw new Error(`Invalid response when loading target header: ${rawTargetHeader}`)
const targetHeader = headerType.deserialize(bytesToHex(rawTargetHeader))
const targetHeaderNumber = parseLittleEndianHexStringArray(targetHeader[0][1][3][1])
if (targetHeaderNumber < inputHeaderNumber + 100) {
throw new Error(`Timeout period has not reached!`)
lockHashToMatch = hexStringArrayToHexString(htlcArgs[1][1])
// Now we know which lock hash to test against, we look for an input cell
// with the specified lock hash
let i = 0
while (true) {
const rawHash = CKB.load_cell_by_field(0, i, CKB.SOURCE.INPUT, CKB.CELL.LOCK_HASH)
throw new Error(`Cannot find input cell using lock hash ${lockHashToMatch}`)
if (typeof rawHash === 'number') {
throw new Error(`Invalid response when loading input cell: ${rawHash}`)
if (bytesToHex(rawHash) == lockHashToMatch) {
i += 1
我们不是测试给定的公钥,而是测试整个锁定脚本哈希。 虽然这肯定满足了我们的要求,但它提供了更多的可能性:如果每个人都使用默认的secp256k1锁定脚本,则不同的公钥将反映在脚本args部分中,从而导致不同的锁定脚本。 因此,测试锁脚本可以确保使用不同的公钥。 另一方面,并不是每个人都使用默认的secp256k1锁定脚本,因此直接测试锁定脚本哈希,可以提高HTLC脚本使用的灵活性。
虽然可以肯定地将签名验证逻辑嵌入HTLC脚本中,但是我们在这里选择了另一种更简单的解决方案:我们只测试其中一个输入cell是否具有指定的锁脚本。 根据CKB的验证规则,如果交易被区块链接受,则每个输入cell的锁定脚本必须通过验证,这意味着HTLC脚本中指定的锁定脚本也将通过验证,从而满足HTLC脚本的验证规则。
不需要复制不同的锁定脚本,可以使用相同的锁定 检查输入cell是否存在,并将验证工作委派给输入cell的锁脚本。
Always Audit Your Script 始终审计脚本
Running HTLC Script on Chain 在链上运行HTLC脚本
对CKB脚本的测试分为两部分:之前,我们使用了一个off-chain调试器环境来测试脚本,以加快迭代速度。 现在我们有了完整的HTLC脚本,我们还应该将它部署到开发链上,并测试整个工作流。毕竟任何区块链智能合约都不能单独存在,它们必须有一个环境,来帮助准备交易并在链上调用它们。CKB更是如此,因为CKB使用独立的验证器-生成器模型。
环境,并编写一些可以在chain上部署和测试HTLC脚本的节点可执行程序。 我们将编写的第一个可执行文件,这个可执行文件,可部署duktape二进制以及我们的HTLC脚本链:
$ cd $TOP/htlc-runner
$ cat deploy_scripts.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
const CKB = require("@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-core").default
const utils = require("@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-utils")
const process = require('process')
const fs = require('fs')
if (process.argv.length !== 6) {
console.log(`Usage: ${process.argv[1]} <duktape load0 binary> <js script> <private key> <node URL>`)
const duktapeBinary = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2])
const jsScript = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[3])
const privateKey = process.argv[4]
const nodeUrl = process.argv[5]
const run = async () => {
const ckb = new CKB(nodeUrl)
const secp256k1Dep = await ckb.loadSecp256k1Dep()
const publicKey = ckb.utils.privateKeyToPublicKey(privateKey)
const publicKeyHash = `0x${ckb.utils.blake160(publicKey, 'hex')}`
const lockScript = {
hashType: secp256k1Dep.hashType,
codeHash: secp256k1Dep.codeHash,
args: publicKeyHash
const lockHash = ckb.utils.scriptToHash(lockScript)
const unspentCells = await ckb.loadCells({
const totalCapacity = unspentCells.reduce((sum, cell) => sum + BigInt(cell.capacity), 0n)
// For simplicity, we will just use 1 CKB as fee. On a real setup you
// might not want to do this.
const fee = 100000000n
const duktapeBinaryCapacity = BigInt(duktapeBinary.length) * 100000000n + 4100000000n
const jsScriptCapacity = BigInt(jsScript.length) * 100000000n + 4100000000n
const outputs = [
lock: {
codeHash: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
hashType: 'data',
args: '0x'
type: null,
capacity: '0x' + duktapeBinaryCapacity.toString(16)
lock: {
codeHash: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
hashType: 'data',
args: '0x'
type: null,
capacity: '0x' + jsScriptCapacity.toString(16)
lock: lockScript,
type: null,
capacity: '0x' + (totalCapacity - jsScriptCapacity - duktapeBinaryCapacity - fee).toString(16)
const outputsData = [
const transaction = {
version: '0x0',
cellDeps: [
outPoint: secp256k1Dep.outPoint,
depType: 'depGroup'
headerDeps: [],
inputs: unspentCells.map(cell => ({
previousOutput: cell.outPoint,
since: '0x0'
witnesses: [
lock: '',
inputType: '',
outputType: ''
const signedTransaction = ckb.signTransaction(privateKey)(transaction)
const txHash = await ckb.rpc.sendTransaction(signedTransaction, 'passthrough')
console.log(`Transaction hash: ${txHash}`)
fs.writeFileSync('deploy_scripts_result.txt', txHash)
$ cd $TOP/htlc-runner
$ cat create_htlc_cell.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
const { Molecule } = require('molecule-javascript')
const crc32 = require('crc32')
const CKB = require("@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-core").default
const utils = require("@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-utils")
const process = require('process')
const fs = require('fs')
function blake2b(buffer) {
return utils.blake2b(32, null, null, utils.PERSONAL).update(buffer).digest('binary')
if (process.argv.length !== 8) {
console.log(`Usage: ${process.argv[1]} <duktape load0 binary> <deployed tx hash> <private key> <node URL> <lock hash A> <lock hash B>`)
const duktapeBinary = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2])
const duktapeHash = blake2b(duktapeBinary)
const deployedTxHash = process.argv[3]
const privateKey = process.argv[4]
const nodeUrl = process.argv[5]
const lockHashA = process.argv[6]
const lockHashB = process.argv[7]
function hexStringToHexStringArray(s) {
let arr = []
for (let i = 2; i < s.length; i += 2) {
arr.push('0x' + s.substr(i, 2))
return arr
const run = async () => {
const ckb = new CKB(nodeUrl)
const secp256k1Dep = await ckb.loadSecp256k1Dep()
const publicKey = ckb.utils.privateKeyToPublicKey(privateKey)
const publicKeyHash = `0x${ckb.utils.blake160(publicKey, 'hex')}`
const lockScript = {
hashType: secp256k1Dep.hashType,
codeHash: secp256k1Dep.codeHash,
args: publicKeyHash
const lockHash = ckb.utils.scriptToHash(lockScript)
const unspentCells = await ckb.loadCells({
const totalCapacity = unspentCells.reduce((sum, cell) => sum + BigInt(cell.capacity), 0n)
// For simplicity, we will just use 1 CKB as fee. On a real setup you
// might not want to do this.
const fee = 100000000n
const htlcCellCapacity = 200000000000n
const customSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../htlc-template/src/htlc-combined.json'))
const htlcArgsType = new Molecule(
customSchema.declarations.find(d => d.name == "HtlcArgs"))
const htlcScriptArgs = htlcArgsType.serialize([
['a', hexStringToHexStringArray(lockHashA)],
['b', hexStringToHexStringArray(lockHashB)],
['hash', hexStringToHexStringArray('0x' + crc32('i am a secret'))]
const transaction = {
version: '0x0',
cellDeps: [
outPoint: secp256k1Dep.outPoint,
depType: 'depGroup'
headerDeps: [],
inputs: unspentCells.map(cell => ({
previousOutput: cell.outPoint,
since: '0x0'
outputs: [
lock: {
codeHash: utils.bytesToHex(duktapeHash),
hashType: 'data',
args: htlcScriptArgs
type: null,
capacity: '0x' + htlcCellCapacity.toString(16)
lock: lockScript,
type: null,
capacity: '0x' + (totalCapacity - fee - htlcCellCapacity).toString(16)
witnesses: [
lock: '',
inputType: '',
outputType: ''
outputsData: [
const signedTransaction = ckb.signTransaction(privateKey)(transaction)
const txHash = await ckb.rpc.sendTransaction(signedTransaction, 'passthrough')
console.log(`Transaction hash: ${txHash}`)
fs.writeFileSync('create_htlc_cell_result.txt', txHash)
值得一提的是,这个可执行文件展示了我们如何序列化一个 molecule格式的数据结构:
// ...
function hexStringToHexStringArray(s) {
let arr = []
for (let i = 2; i < s.length; i += 2) {
arr.push('0x' + s.substr(i, 2))
return arr
// ...
const customSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../htlc-template/src/htlc-combined.json'))
const htlcArgsType = new Molecule(
customSchema.declarations.find(d => d.name == "HtlcArgs"))
const htlcScriptArgs = htlcArgsType.serialize([
['a', hexStringToHexStringArray(lockHashA)],
['b', hexStringToHexStringArray(lockHashB)],
['hash', hexStringToHexStringArray('0x' + crc32('i am a secret'))]
// ...
$ cd $TOP/htlc-runner
$ cat unlock_via_secret_string.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
const { Molecule } = require('molecule-javascript')
const crc32 = require('crc32')
const CKB = require("@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-core").default
const utils = require("@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-utils")
const process = require('process')
const fs = require('fs')
function blake2b(buffer) {
return utils.blake2b(32, null, null, utils.PERSONAL).update(buffer).digest('binary')
if (process.argv.length !== 8) {
console.log(`Usage: ${process.argv[1]} <deployed tx hash> <htlc cell tx hash> <private key> <node URL> <secret string> <dry run>`)
const deployedTxHash = process.argv[2]
const htlcCellTxHash = process.argv[3]
const privateKey = process.argv[4]
const nodeUrl = process.argv[5]
const secretString = process.argv[6]
const dryrun = process.argv[7] === 'true'
function stringToHexStringArray(s) {
let a = []
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
a.push('0x' + ('00' + s.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)).slice(-2))
return a
const run = async () => {
const ckb = new CKB(nodeUrl)
const secp256k1Dep = await ckb.loadSecp256k1Dep()
const publicKey = ckb.utils.privateKeyToPublicKey(privateKey)
const publicKeyHash = `0x${ckb.utils.blake160(publicKey, 'hex')}`
const lockScript = {
hashType: secp256k1Dep.hashType,
codeHash: secp256k1Dep.codeHash,
args: publicKeyHash
const lockHash = ckb.utils.scriptToHash(lockScript)
const unspentCells = await ckb.loadCells({
const totalCapacity = unspentCells.reduce((sum, cell) => sum + BigInt(cell.capacity), 0n)
// For simplicity, we will just use 1 CKB as fee. On a real setup you
// might not want to do this.
const fee = 100000000n
const htlcCellCapacity = 200000000000n
const customSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../htlc-template/src/htlc-combined.json'))
const htlcWitnessType = new Molecule(
customSchema.declarations.find(d => d.name == "HtlcWitness"))
const htlcWitness = htlcWitnessType.serialize([
['s', stringToHexStringArray(secretString)],
['i', ['0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0']]
const transaction = {
version: '0x0',
cellDeps: [
// Due to the requirement of load0 duktape binary, JavaScript source cell
// should be the first one in cell deps
outPoint: {
txHash: deployedTxHash,
index: "0x1"
depType: 'code'
outPoint: {
txHash: deployedTxHash,
index: "0x0"
depType: 'code'
outPoint: secp256k1Dep.outPoint,
depType: 'depGroup'
headerDeps: [],
inputs: unspentCells.map(cell => ({
previousOutput: cell.outPoint,
since: '0x0'
outputs: [
lock: lockScript,
type: null,
capacity: '0x' + (totalCapacity + htlcCellCapacity - fee).toString(16)
witnesses: unspentCells.map(_cell => '0x'),
outputsData: [
previousOutput: {
txHash: htlcCellTxHash,
index: "0x0"
since: '0x0'
transaction.witnesses[0] = {
lock: '',
inputType: '',
outputType: ''
const signedTransaction = ckb.signTransaction(privateKey)(transaction)
if (dryrun) {
try {
const result = await ckb.rpc.dryRunTransaction(signedTransaction)
console.log(`Dry run success result: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}`)
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Dry run failure result: ${JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(e.message), null, 2)}`)
} else {
const txHash = await ckb.rpc.sendTransaction(signedTransaction, 'passthrough')
console.log(`Transaction hash: ${txHash}`)
fs.writeFileSync('unlock_via_secret_string_result.txt', txHash)
$ cd $TOP/htlc-runner
$ cat unlock_via_timeout.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
const { Molecule } = require('molecule-javascript')
const crc32 = require('crc32')
const CKB = require("@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-core").default
const utils = require("@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-utils")
const process = require('process')
const fs = require('fs')
function blake2b(buffer) {
return utils.blake2b(32, null, null, utils.PERSONAL).update(buffer).digest('binary')
if (process.argv.length !== 8) {
console.log(`Usage: ${process.argv[1]} <deployed tx hash> <htlc cell tx hash> <private key> <node URL> <header hash> <dry run>`)
const deployedTxHash = process.argv[2]
const htlcCellTxHash = process.argv[3]
const privateKey = process.argv[4]
const nodeUrl = process.argv[5]
const headerHash = process.argv[6]
const dryrun = process.argv[7] === 'true'
const run = async () => {
const ckb = new CKB(nodeUrl)
const secp256k1Dep = await ckb.loadSecp256k1Dep()
const htlcCellTx = await ckb.rpc.getTransaction(htlcCellTxHash)
const htlcCellHeaderHash = htlcCellTx.txStatus.blockHash
const publicKey = ckb.utils.privateKeyToPublicKey(privateKey)
const publicKeyHash = `0x${ckb.utils.blake160(publicKey, 'hex')}`
const lockScript = {
hashType: secp256k1Dep.hashType,
codeHash: secp256k1Dep.codeHash,
args: publicKeyHash
const lockHash = ckb.utils.scriptToHash(lockScript)
const unspentCells = await ckb.loadCells({
const totalCapacity = unspentCells.reduce((sum, cell) => sum + BigInt(cell.capacity), 0n)
// For simplicity, we will just use 1 CKB as fee. On a real setup you
// might not want to do this.
const fee = 100000000n
const htlcCellCapacity = 200000000000n
const customSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../htlc-template/src/htlc-combined.json'))
const htlcWitnessType = new Molecule(
customSchema.declarations.find(d => d.name == "HtlcWitness"))
const htlcWitness = htlcWitnessType.serialize([
['s', []],
['i', ['0x1', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0']]
const transaction = {
version: '0x0',
cellDeps: [
// Due to the requirement of load0 duktape binary, JavaScript source cell
// should be the first one in cell deps
outPoint: {
txHash: deployedTxHash,
index: "0x1"
depType: 'code'
outPoint: {
txHash: deployedTxHash,
index: "0x0"
depType: 'code'
outPoint: secp256k1Dep.outPoint,
depType: 'depGroup'
headerDeps: [
inputs: unspentCells.map(cell => ({
previousOutput: cell.outPoint,
since: '0x0'
outputs: [
lock: lockScript,
type: null,
capacity: '0x' + (totalCapacity + htlcCellCapacity - fee).toString(16)
witnesses: unspentCells.map(_cell => '0x'),
outputsData: [
previousOutput: {
txHash: htlcCellTxHash,
index: "0x0"
since: '0x0'
transaction.witnesses[0] = {
lock: '',
inputType: '',
outputType: ''
const signedTransaction = ckb.signTransaction(privateKey)(transaction)
if (dryrun) {
try {
const result = await ckb.rpc.dryRunTransaction(signedTransaction)
console.log(`Dry run success result: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}`)
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Dry run failure result: ${JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(e.message), null, 2)}`)
} else {
const txHash = await ckb.rpc.sendTransaction(signedTransaction, 'passthrough')
console.log(`Transaction hash: ${txHash}`)
fs.writeFileSync('unlock_via_timeout_result.txt', txHash)
我们将HTLC输入cell的区块头dep放在索引0处,将测试当前时间戳的头放置在索引1处,因此,当我们准备 witness数据时,我们将0x01000000用于i
这也提供了不同的启发。要在CKB中证明某个时间已经过去,可以使用Nervos DAO validator脚本中所示的since
在这里准备好所有4个可执行文件之后,我们就可以开始使用HTLC脚本了。 但首先,让我们先运行一个新的CKB开发链。
$ cd $TOP
$ export CKB="<path to your ckb binary>"
$ $CKB --version
ckb 0.28.0 (728eff2 2020-02-04)
# Block assembler args configured here correspond to the following private key:
# 0x0a14c6fd7af6a3f13c9e2aacad80d78968de5d068a342828080650084bf20104
$ $CKB init -c dev -C ckb-data --ba-arg 0x5a7487f529b8b8fd4d4a57c12dc0c70f7958a196
$ $CKB run -C ckb-data
$ cd $TOP
$ $CKB miner -C ckb-data
# Make sure the HTLC script is successfully built first
$ cd $TOP/htlc-template
$ npm run build
# Ensure all scripts are runnable
$ cd $TOP/htlc-runner
$ chmod +x deploy_scripts.js
$ chmod +x create_htlc_cell.js
$ chmod +x unlock_via_secret_string.js
$ chmod +x unlock_via_timeout.js
# Let's first deploy duktape binary and JS scripts
$ ./deploy_scripts.js \
../ckb-duktape/build/load0 \
../htlc-template/build/duktape.js \
0xd00c06bfd800d27397002dca6fb0993d5ba6399b4238b2f29ee9deb97593d2bc \
This method is only for demo, don't use it in production
Transaction hash: 0xf30e1e8989fc3a4cb1e52dacc85090f8ff74b05e008d636b8c9154f5c296e1f4
# Let's create a HTLC cell
$ ./create_htlc_cell.js \
../ckb-duktape/build/load0 \
0xf30e1e8989fc3a4cb1e52dacc85090f8ff74b05e008d636b8c9154f5c296e1f4 \
0xd00c06bfd800d27397002dca6fb0993d5ba6399b4238b2f29ee9deb97593d2bc \
"" \
0x32e555f3ff8e135cece1351a6a2971518392c1e30375c1e006ad0ce8eac07947 \
This method is only for demo, don't use it in production
Transaction hash: 0x7de8ea6b0d6cb9941e76976d1d55edf844c4fa81485e00fb8eba2d161b5830cd
# To save us the hassle of recreating cells, both unlock executables support
# a dry run mode, where we only does full transaction verification, but do not
# commit the success ones on chain.
# First let's show that we can unlock a HTLC cell given the right secret string
# and lock script
$ ./unlock_via_secret_string.js \
0xf30e1e8989fc3a4cb1e52dacc85090f8ff74b05e008d636b8c9154f5c296e1f4 \
0x7de8ea6b0d6cb9941e76976d1d55edf844c4fa81485e00fb8eba2d161b5830cd \
0xd00c06bfd800d27397002dca6fb0993d5ba6399b4238b2f29ee9deb97593d2bc \
"" \
"i am a secret" \
This method is only for demo, don't use it in production
Dry run success result: {
"cycles": "0xb1acc38"
# Given an invalid secret string, the transaction would fail the validation.
# If you have enabled debug output in CKB's configuration like mentioned here:
# https://docs.nervos.org/dev-guide/debugging-ckb-script.html#debug-syscall
# you can notice the failure lines in CKB's debug logs.
$ ./unlock_via_secret_string.js \
0xf30e1e8989fc3a4cb1e52dacc85090f8ff74b05e008d636b8c9154f5c296e1f4 \
0x7de8ea6b0d6cb9941e76976d1d55edf844c4fa81485e00fb8eba2d161b5830cd \
0xd00c06bfd800d27397002dca6fb0993d5ba6399b4238b2f29ee9deb97593d2bc \
"" \
"invalid secret" \
Dry run failure result: {
"code": -3,
"message": "Error { kind: ValidationFailure(-2) ...}"
# Given the correct secret string but an invalid public key, this would still
# fail the validation:
$ ./unlock_via_secret_string.js \
0xf30e1e8989fc3a4cb1e52dacc85090f8ff74b05e008d636b8c9154f5c296e1f4 \
0x7de8ea6b0d6cb9941e76976d1d55edf844c4fa81485e00fb8eba2d161b5830cd \
0x63d86723e08f0f813a36ce6aa123bb2289d90680ae1e99d4de8cdb334553f24d \
"" \
"i am a secret" \
Dry run failure result: {
"code": -3,
"message": "Error { kind: ValidationFailure(-2) ...}"
# Now we've tested unlocking by providing secret string, let's try unlocking
# via waiting enough time. In my setup, I have the following values:
# HTLC cell is packed in transaction:
# 0xf30e1e8989fc3a4cb1e52dacc85090f8ff74b05e008d636b8c9154f5c296e1f4
# which is commited in block:
# 0x04539cff3e1a106773bc1ec35804340c0981804093ce8d7a17e9ebc37a3268ff
# whose block number is 399.
# I'm gonna test it with block:
# 0xe93ebb311d156847fbcdc159d1fa3c38f12613121e51582272d909379c4d1a60
# whose block number is 409, and block:
# 0x665ccfab2d854afa035f4697a2301f2bad9d4aa86506090b104f8ed18772ca01
# whose block number is 510.
# Let's first try block 510 to verify that we can unlock the HTLC cell this way:
$ ./unlock_via_timeout.js \
0xf30e1e8989fc3a4cb1e52dacc85090f8ff74b05e008d636b8c9154f5c296e1f4 \
0x7de8ea6b0d6cb9941e76976d1d55edf844c4fa81485e00fb8eba2d161b5830cd \
0x63d86723e08f0f813a36ce6aa123bb2289d90680ae1e99d4de8cdb334553f24d \
"" \
0x665ccfab2d854afa035f4697a2301f2bad9d4aa86506090b104f8ed18772ca01 \
This method is only for demo, don't use it in production
Dry run success result: {
"cycles": "0x16c500ba"
# Notice here we are unlocking using lock script hash:
# 0x63d86723e08f0f813a36ce6aa123bb2289d90680ae1e99d4de8cdb334553f24d
# which is different from unlocking by providing secret string.
# Now let's try block 409 here:
$ ./unlock_via_timeout.js \
0xf30e1e8989fc3a4cb1e52dacc85090f8ff74b05e008d636b8c9154f5c296e1f4 \
0x7de8ea6b0d6cb9941e76976d1d55edf844c4fa81485e00fb8eba2d161b5830cd \
0x63d86723e08f0f813a36ce6aa123bb2289d90680ae1e99d4de8cdb334553f24d \
"" \
0xe93ebb311d156847fbcdc159d1fa3c38f12613121e51582272d909379c4d1a60 \
Dry run failure result: {
"code": -3,
"message": "Error { kind: ValidationFailure(-2) ...}"
# As expected, this fails validatin, and if we check CKB's debug log(if you
# have enabled it), we can find log lines containing "Timeout period has not
# reached!", proving our script works as expected.
# One final step would checking unlocking with enough waiting, but using the
# wrong public key.
$ ./unlock_via_timeout.js \
0xf30e1e8989fc3a4cb1e52dacc85090f8ff74b05e008d636b8c9154f5c296e1f4 \
0x7de8ea6b0d6cb9941e76976d1d55edf844c4fa81485e00fb8eba2d161b5830cd \
0xd00c06bfd800d27397002dca6fb0993d5ba6399b4238b2f29ee9deb97593d2bc \
"" \
0x665ccfab2d854afa035f4697a2301f2bad9d4aa86506090b104f8ed18772ca01 \
Dry run failure result: {
"code": -3,
"message": "Error { kind: ValidationFailure(-2) ...}"
# As expected, this also fails validation.
Compute Intensive Code in JavaScript JavaScript中的计算密集型代码
这样更安全的哈希算法。 虽然我这么做的一个主要原因是为了这篇文章的简单(如果你读到这里,你会发现这篇文章已经很长了!),但仍不建议在JavaScript中进行这些操作,因为:
现在这里使用的duktape发行版只包含duktape,没有外部库。在将来,我可能会添加某些正式版本的 加密算法,如secp256k1和blake2b。通过这种方式,你将能够在JavaScript中使用运行快速并且安全的加密算法。但是请记住,有时上面提到的委托模式可能更适合你的用例。
Recap 回顾
- 如何准备一个调试环境,已帮助编写脚本
- 如何建立molecule格式的自定义数据结构
- 如何序列化/反序列化molecule数据结构
- 如何在npm上包含外部库并打包单个JavaScript以供CKB使用