阿里云ckb run一直卡在这里,为什么?

root@iZbp1d10hr1juj3orxin9jZ:~/ckb-testnet# ckb run        
2019-07-14 17:18:29.940 +08:00 main INFO sentry  Notice: The ckb process will send stack trace to sentry on Rust panics. This is enabled by default before mainnet, which can be opted out by setting the option dsn to empty in the co
nfig file. The DSN is now https://[email protected]/1422795
2019-07-14 17:18:30.062 +08:00 main INFO ckb-chain  Start: loading live cells …
2019-07-14 17:18:30.062 +08:00 main INFO ckb-chain  Done: total 1 transactions.
2019-07-14 17:18:30.062 +08:00 main INFO main  chain genesis hash: 0xd5c54b0c699ef009edfedb00d8fb8198ac5ce1e9e266b9110a8972e1b05aba88
2019-07-14 17:18:30.065 +08:00 main INFO ckb-network  Listen on address: /ip4/
2019-07-14 17:18:30.067 +08:00 NetworkRuntime-1 INFO ckb-network  p2p service event: ListenStarted { address: “/ip4/” }


netstat -nalp | grep 8115

调用 RPC 看下连接的 peers 和同步到的高度

curl -d '{"id": 2, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"get_peers","params": []}' -H 'content-type:application/json' 'http://localhost:8114'

curl -d '{"id": 2, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"get_tip_header","params": []}' -H 'content-type:application/json' 'http://localhost:8114'

Genesis Hash 就对不上,不是一条链