Chain + + -- enable traditional app project parties to quickly change the chain to the ground and join the nervos ecosystem

team introduction

DappBirds is the world’s leading Dapp ecological service platform, from Dapp data analysis, to design, chain reform, iss uance, operation, cross-chain, and transaction in one platform. Currently, it has docked more than 14 public chains and included more than 4000 DAPP Dozens of chain games have been reformed and issued. It is also the only platform in the industry that has independently developed a wallet service and can be downloaded directly in the global AppStore. The products are currently covered by PC, H5, applets, APP, and there are innovations. The game mining pool model has landed multiple public chain mining pools, of which IOST is already the top ten mining pool nodes in the world. The omni-channel covers nearly 100,000 Dapp users, with daily live in 5500+, Chinese, Korean, and English language versions covering 70% of domestic users and 30% of overseas users. Partners include exchanges such as Huobi OKEX BIKI BKEX MXEX COINW, Bitmain, wallets such as HyperPay COBO KCASH IMTOKEN TP, TRON, ETH, EOS, NEO, IOST, ONT, WICC, BOS, ContentOS, STEEM, VECHAIN , NULS, TOMO, LOOM, COSMOS, POLKA and other mainstream global public chains.
The product access is as follows:

Web address:

App can be downloaded directly in AppStore and Google Play or enter the official website to download: > WeChat Mini Program access QR code as follows:


Project Introduction
At present, blockchain developers are still a minority compared to traditional app developers. Traditional project parties want to try to develop Dapps, but the investment cost is too large. Staff reserve. How much investment. Greatly limits the development of public chain ecology. DappBirds independently developed a one-click chain to change SDK and open source to Nevros ecology. Traditional project parties only need to perform simple API interface docking to turn traditional projects into Dapps. Including asset on-chain, payment on-chain, partial logical on-chain, dividend pool gameplay and many other chain reform schemes. Traditional project parties can quickly join the Nervos ecosystem and enrich the Nervos ecosystem. If the traditional project party needs to carry out in-depth chain reform and technical support, the DappBirds team can also provide support work.

Technical specifications and implementation

Appreciate your submission!

Is it correct that you have built an SDK to interact with Nervos?

“DappBirds independently developed a one-click chain to change SDK and open source to Nevros ecology. Traditional project parties only need to perform simple API interface docking to turn traditional projects into Dapps. Including asset on-chain, payment on-chain, partial logical on-chain, dividend pool gameplay and many other chain reform schemes. Traditional project parties can quickly join the Nervos ecosystem and enrich the Nervos ecosystem”

Yes, the basic framework has been completed. Detail optimization is in progress

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that is awesome, looking forward to checking it out!

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