直播回顾|BTCKB 计划 AMA

1 月 31 日,Nervos 首席架构师 Jan、联合创始人 TerryCipher 参加了「Nervos 字节元宇宙」主持的 Twitter Space,和大家详聊了 Nervos 生态基金启动的「BTCKB」 计划,以及如何打通 BTC 与 CKB,助力 CKB 成为首个与 BTC 完全同构的比特币 Layer 2。

由于 Nervos Talk 无法上传音频,所以想听回放的小伙伴,请点击这个链接跳到「字节元 CKB」公众号文章中去收听


Q1: 什么是 BTCKB 计划吗?

Jan: 「BTCKB」 是一个合成词,即「BTC+CKB」。

BTCKB 计划酝酿已久。去年,我们观察到了比特币生态的迅速发展,我们非常看好比特币生态在未来一两年甚至更久的发展,而且我们也相信它会发展出一个比以太坊生态规模更大但截然不同的市场。在这样的一个大背景下,我们策划和制定了 BTCKB 计划。

BTCKB 计划,是一个包含产品、市场、生态发展在内,由生态基金支持,主要由 CELL Studio 推动的一个大计划。当然,我带领的秘猿团队也会全力去支持这个计划。BTCKB 计划的目的是我们希望可以抓住这样一个非常好的时机,去引领比特币的文艺复兴,借助这样一个时机实现 CKB 生态的快速发展。我们认为 “PoW+UTXO” 等特点,可以让 CKB 在生态里面有非常好的站位,而且有些特性只有 CKB 具有。我们相信,CKB 生态可以做到完美地和 BTC 生态融合,成为 BTC 生态中不可缺少的一部分。我们可以为 BTC 提供更多的场景和功能。


另外,这个计划也得到了很多社区小伙伴、合作伙伴的全力支持,弥补了之前我们团队在市场、生态规划等方面的短板,因此我对 BTCKB 计划非常有信心。

Terry:我补充一点,我们几个人都是程序员出身,所以技能比较单一,这是我们非常大的一个缺点。但这一次,我们有非常强劲的小伙伴加入,弥补了我们的缺点,让 BTCKB 计划不会是那么完全的 “技术优先”,而是会有一套非常立体的打法。这就是为什么我会这么兴奋,连夜飞到新加坡,和小伙伴们一起去推进这件事。

Cipher:我觉得现在这个时间点对 CKB 是一个非常大的机会,天时地利人和。天时,指的是 2024 年大家都认为是比特币的牛市,叙事重心又回到了比特币上,UTXO、PoW、链下计算链上验证等这些 CKB 坚持了很久的东西被大家重新重视。地利,不仅是很多人才集中到了新加坡,让我们很容易找到合作方,而且整个的叙事重心也从欧美转到了亚洲,比特币铭文目前是以亚洲、华人为中心的。人和,刚才 Jan 和 Terry 有提到,有很多非常牛的小伙伴来帮助我们,弥补我们的短板。

所以,天时地利人和,CKB 蛰伏了几年,现在遇到了一个非常好的机会,我们一定会抓住。

Terry:我再补充一点。以前我们有一个很大的问题,那就是理念非常先行,后面的这个产品、技术跟不上。比如我们很早就说 Sharding(分片技术)行不通,要走 Layer 2 的道路, 这话说得很早但后来的产品没跟上。再比如我们一直强调 UTXO 很好,但大家也没有意识到,直到现在开始参与铭文时才发现 UTXO 的各种妙用。


Q2:对 Nervos 而言,为什么要做 BTC Layer 2?最大的意义是什么?

Jan:我觉得有两方面。对 CKB 而言,现在这个时间对 CKB 来说是最好的机会。我最近拜访了很多合作伙伴,发现大家对 Nervos 有误解,误以为 Nervos 是一个以太坊生态的项目,这可能跟我的个人经历和之前的媒体宣传有关,但实际上 Nervos 从一开始就延续了 Bitcoin 的思想路径。不过没关系,时机已经变了,比特币铭文的出现是一个非常大的转机。

Ordinals 的出现改变了比特币社区的认知。在这之前,Bitcoin Maximalism(比特币至上主义者)是主流,大家只认 BTC,其他都是 shit coin,只要有 BTC 就可以了,其他什么都不要干。这种思想让 BTC 很被动,也在很大程度上遏制了 BTC 生态的发展,因为无论你做什么都会被视为异端。直到 Ordinals 的出现,然后又从中孵化出代币标准 BRC-20,以及现在各种各样新的资产标准、资产协议,让大家思想解放,可以去慢慢接受这些东西,而这种思想的变化带来了生态的发展,让 BTC 从一种被动资产变成主动资产,可以用到各种各样的地方。我觉得 BTC 生态目前处于发展的第一个阶段,后面会有第二、三、四阶段,生态会不停地往前迭代。

所以,铭文是一个非常大的转机,让 BTC 整个生态都不一样了。过去,我们说 PoW 好,在以太坊转 PoS 时和别人辩论,但大家总认为我们在使用淘汰的技术,认为我们过时了,PoW 要死掉,没希望了。但今天我们再去说 PoW 好,大家能开始理解、认同,支持 PoW 的人也变多了。UTXO 也是,过去我们一直强调 UTXO 很好,希望说服开发者来上面开发,但他们说在上面做东西太难了,门槛高,不愿意来。我们过去说闪电网络非常棒,是 Layer 2 的未来,是 Rollup 替代不了的,但他们会说 Vitalik 说过 Rollup 才是 end game,闪电网络或者 State Channel 以太坊已经试过了,行不通。但现在一切都转变了,不用我们重复唠叨,大家已经开始认识到 PoW、UTXO、闪电网络等东西的好处,认识到我们可以在 BTC 上、在 UTXO 上做很多东西。这是一个非常大的转变。

在铭文出现之前,CKB 被视为以太坊社区的 “叛徒”,比特币社区的 “异类”,因为 CKB 的所有设计都是跟以太坊反着来的,而在比特币 Maximalism 眼里,只有 BTC 才是正统,不需要其他 Altcoin。因此,CKB 的处境非常尴尬。但是,铭文之后,比特币终于迎来了文艺复兴,大家可以接受比特币生态里应该有其他的东西,开始研究在 PoW 和 UTXO 上能做出什么新东西。这是一个非常难得的机会。

整个行业从 Bitcoin 到 BitShares 再到 Ethereum,现在又绕回到 Bitcoin,回归初心。不仅回归初心,而且还愿意去做事情,做探索,这是一个巨大的变化。因为这样的变化,我们现在可以在团队配置上补足短板,而且大家也愿意加入比特币生态,加入这个新的技术路线或者说新的生态路线/思想路线。对 CKB 来说,这是一个非常好的机会,而且在里面有一个非常好的站位。

比特币不仅仅是一条链,也是一种货币,一种底层资产,怎么样能够获得最大的流动性、最多的场景是最重要。如果把区块链比喻成国家,那比特币就是 M0,Layer 2、Layer 3 可以基于 M0 去创造 M1、M2,等等。比特币生态中会有各种类型的 Layer 2,而 CKB 可能是所有这些 Layer 2 项目里最安全的、最抗审查、最去中心化的那一个。同时,我们还能在 CKB 上面构建很多东西,比如通过闪电网络把 CKB 和 BTC 打通,再比如 Open Transaction,等等。CKB 能够为 BTC 提供更多有价值的场景,能够带领 BTC 生态去探索这些新技术方向。如果这些新技术方向上的探索最终被证明是有价值的,我们还可以想办法把它们带回 BTC。

简而言之,现在对 CKB 来说是最好的机会,对 BTC 来说我们能提供很多价值。

Q3:CELL Studio 这个公司会承担什么样的角色?

Cipher:CELL Studio 有一点像生态聚合的这种公司,把各个生态项目串起来。BTCKB 计划,就是要把 BTC 和 CKB 打通,在 PoW+UTXO 的叙事里面做一些事情。这就不可避免地有相互依赖的部分,比如你要做一个比特币 DEX,可能需要一个桥或者闪电网络通道把资产跨到 CKB 上。这些事情可能是相互依赖的,也可能是并行的,都需要有人去推动。

CELL Studio 希望能够在生态基金的支持下,更多地引入外部的支持,把生态里的各个环节都打通。因为过去人们诟病 CKB 太慢了,想法很超前,但产品出来太慢了。CELL Studio 希望能借助天时地利人和,能多做一点事情,能快一点做事情。

我讲点具体的。之前我们一直在推 JoyID 钱包,它的用户体验比较友好,设计理念非常超前。JoyID 支持 CKB 也支持 EVM,后面还会支持 BTC,我们希望普通用户只用一个 JoyID 钱包就能畅玩这些不同的生态系统,而不是换一个生态大家就得换一个钱包。我们还希望普通用户无论是跨链,还是 DEX 交易、质押生息、线下消费,甚至是闪电网络的使用,各种不同的应用场景,都能在 CELL Studio 这家公司旗下的产品里面完成。

另外,社区中比较好的项目,CELL Studio 也会参与投资孵化,以及和生态里各个项目达成深度合作。

前几天的 BTCKB 计划公告只是第一步,随着后面的推进和发展,我们会做更多的事情,整合更多的资源,以及作为秘猿科技的一些底层协议的研究的应用实践方。

前面提到的闪电网络的应用层,我们到时候也会承接,我们也在设计 RGB 的 DA 层和验算层。还可以跟大家预告下 DEX,这个 DEX 会支持 Fungible Token、Non-Fungible Token 以及 Semi-Fungible Token。另外,类似 AMM 的产品我们也在设计,但不是以太坊上那种价格曲线的方式,而是交易网格的模式。

总之,现在是天时地利人和。希望大家能够继续支持和期待 CELL Studio 后续的产品,以及对生态的推动。小伙伴们有什么好的建议,也可以去 Nervos Talk 或者 Discord 中跟我们交流。

Terry:很多人可能会好奇为什么 BTCKB 计划后面有一个 CELL Studio 公司,我简单解释一下。

以前,Nervos 基金会制定计划,希望生态里有各种项目团队涌现,结果也确实会有不少项目出来,但这些项目的产品体验极度分裂,而且不同的项目开发节奏不一样,很难协调。如果一个大的计划涉及 3~4 个团队,这个计划基本上就不可能按时交付。这一次,我们在 BTCKB 计划后面成立一家 CELL Studio 公司,是一个改进。我们希望这个公司是战略推动的,按照既定节奏、完全统一的体验去孵化产品。

有些人可能会把 CELL Studio 类比为以太坊生态里的 ConsenSys,这个类比确实方便了大家的理解,但不是那么准确。首先,CELL Studio 会深耕一个垂直领域,即打通 BTC、CKB 生态,而不是去打通其他领域。其次,ConsenSys 其实可以一分为二,一部分是做用户端的产品,另一部分是做非常基础性的、给开发者用的工具和基础设施。CELL Studio 会更专注于用户端的产品,我们生态中的秘猿科技和 Magickbase 则会更专注于协议层的东西和给开发者使用的工具、基础设施。

CELL Studio 不仅自己做用户产品,还会去社区孵化,不管孵化出来的产品是什么样子,都会融入到 CELL Studio 的体系里面,带来同样的体验,这是一个比较重要的目标。另外,CELL Studio 也会有自己的商业模式。

Q4:CKB 今年会有哪些动作或者好消息值得大家期待?

Terry:首先,BTCKB 计划肯定是今年的重中之重。我们孵化出了 CELL Studio 这样的公司,还有很强的小伙伴加入我们,这是一个非常好的开端。今年我们会全力围绕 BTCKB 计划去支持和打赢比特币 L2 大战。


今年 3 月初,我们会办一场 Bitcoin Singapore 大会,邀请比特币生态中比较有影响力的人过来,这场大会也得到了 BTC Study 的支持。我们和 BTC Study 一起在亚洲办这样一场大会,能把我们的理念传播出去,能找到更多的合作伙伴。

今年 4 月份,我们还会和万向一起在香港办一个比特币专场,这个比特币专场除了我们,HashKey、Bitcoin Magazine 也会一起参与主持。这也是一个非常好的机会。

铭文虽然被很多人视为 “异类”,但我们认为这里面的想象空间非常大,我们今年要做的就是把我们的理念传播出去,在产品、Marketing 端会有很多动作。值得一提的是,我们的产品这一年会陆续跟上,和我们的理念同步前行。



Q5:社区的小伙伴可以通过哪些方式参与 BTCKB 计划?

Terry:我以开发者为例进行介绍。如果想在 BTCKB 计划里面做一些开发工作或者做产品,有以下几种渠道。

第一种是无序的,你直接上手做。当然,大多数人可能不会这么选择,但我们发现也有团队是这么做的。如果需要社区的支持和宣传,CKB Community Fund DAO 是一个不错的选择,不仅可以融到小额的资金,还可以在社区里宣传你的理念。CELL Studio 也会考虑如何把你的产品融入到它的体系当中。

第二种,CELL Studio 未来会公布路线图,在整个产品矩阵中,如果你有特别想做的,且有能力做,可以直接联系 Cipher,和 CELL Studio 进行合作。

第三种,如果你不在 CELL Studio 规划的框架下,但你要做的依然属于 BTC、CKB 生态,你可以直接找 Nervos 基金会或者是 InNervation。虽然现在 Nervos 基金会主推一个公司去做这些事,但并不代表你就不能去做别的事情。

另外,我们还会有大使计划。那些自己没有开发能力但特别理解我们要做的事情的人,愿意去输出我们的理念的人,我们后续会有大使计划。这个还在规划当中,详细的计划未来会公布,这是非开发者参与 BTCKB 计划的一个非常好的方式。



白鱼:我是 SeeDAO 的发起人之一,很高兴能加入 CELL Studio 这个舰队。SeeDAO 也是 Nervos 投资的项目之一。

从融资的宣传路演开始,我就一直很喜欢 CKB 项目。只是 CKB 后面的时机不太好,被人说成比特币的 “异端”,以太坊的 “叛徒”,两边不讨好。但现在是天时地利人和,是很好的机会。

CKB 的技术理念非常超前,技术团队也都很扎实,做了很多很牛逼的事情,只是市场上没有多少人知道,也解释得不够。这一次的比特币 Layer 2 大战,我观察了所有的选手,大部分都是 EVM 系,或者是拿 Cosmos/Polkadot 的东西来改一改,再加一个跨链桥,就包装成了 Layer 2。而 CKB 从一开始就坚持分层架构,一开始就坚持 PoW+UTXO,我觉得这是一个非常大的优势。

另外,我自己有一个心结。SeeDAO 是华语社区最成功的 DAO,也是华语社区里面为数不多有叙事权的组织。但是我发现加密行业还是这一个圈子那一个圈子,有 VC 资本的机构在,尽管 SeeDAO 做得很好,也做了很多原创,但如果要发 Token,要做其他一些事情,我感觉还是很艰难。

华人中其实有很多正儿八经的 builder,或者说很 “清真” 的 builder,也有不少资方,有很多能力很强的人,但我觉得我们缺少一个自己的场子。这一次比特币 Layer 2 大战,我觉得不仅是 CKB 的机会,也是华人的机会,是华人在数字世界的机会。

以太坊的 Layer 2 已经占位完了,但比特币这边还没有,再加上中本聪的消失,谁赢了比特币 Layer 2 大战,谁就是真正的 “Layer 1”。比特币的市值是以太坊的 2.5 倍左右,比特币的生态未来一定会比以太坊生态大很多,在比特币 Layer 2 大战中赢了的公链,想象空间非常大。CKB 理念超前,技术扎实,我从价值观上、从心里上,是非常希望 CKB 赢的。

最近我在 Nervos 的几个群里看到很多人非常 FUD,所以我就建议一定要做一场 AMA,把历史的很多包袱放下。Solana 当初跌了那么多,现在也起来了,而 CKB 只不过是前 4 年一直在做底层的协议,上面的应用不够多而已,但尽管如此,依然诞生了 .bit、JoyID 这样牛逼的应用。现在大家愿意加入进来,一起去做事情,我觉得我们还是很有希望的。

D.id 创始人 Tim 的分享

Tim:我们作为过去几年里一直以实际行动来支持 CKB 的理念和技术路线的团队,这一次也会坚定不移地支持 BTCKB 计划。

我就分享一下我特别看好的 CKB 特性吧。我个人很喜欢 UTXO 和 PoW。当初 .bit 选择在 CKB 上做开发,是因为 CKB 对各种密码学算法的支持,现在我们也看到了 JoyID 这样的产品。

在 CKB 上开发和在其他链上开发的不同点在于,前者可以面向没有任何区块链知识的用户。你去使用 .bit,你不需要知道区块链地址、gas fee 之类的,你可以完整地体验 .bit 应用,这个只有在 CKB 上才能做到,在其他链上很难做到。CKB 独特的特性能让开发出来的应用体验更好。

从开发者的角度,在 CKB 上开发跟在 EVM 上开发不一样,有难度,但也不是什么大问题,不用慌。Cipher 的团队、我们的团队、知县的团队等之前都积累了很多的经验,其实都是能找到解决方案的。

有些人说 CKB 没有生态,其实我们和其他一些开发者一直都在,只是我们做出来的一些产品很多时候是面向圈外的用户而已。这一次的 BTCKB 计划,我看到了非常大的转变,对此也非常有信心。

接下去分享一下我对未来的看法。铭文火起来后,大家开始重新把关注度放到了比特币生态,那到底什么叫比特币生态?或者说一个最本质的问题,到底什么叫铭文?是能在铭文市场中交易的东西就叫铭文,还是说数据完全在链上、靠链下索引的东西叫铭文,还是说序数理论加上 Indexer 的这种叫铭文,还是说数据完全在比特币上,通过 Ordinals 和 Indexer 去定义其交易的才能叫铭文?这是一个值得讨论的问题。我倾向于随着时间的推移,人们会越来越认同数据完全在比特币上的才叫铭文。

大家如果去仔细研究 Ordinals 协议,你会发现它包含了两个东西,一个叫铭文,另一个叫序数理论加上 Indexer,它本质上是在解决铭文的交易问题,即定义什么叫我把一个铭文转给了你这件事情。但这套解决方案也有它自己的问题,首先交易摩擦非常大,一切东西都要在比特币链上。其次,它会产生大量的 UTXO,也导致了整个网络的拥堵,这让那些 “清真派” 很不喜欢。

我认为未来的格局是比特币会有一个智能合约层,我个人会把它称为 Contract Kernel。我之前提出 CKB 的另外一层解读叫 Contract Kernel of Bitcoin,其首字母正好是 CKB。Contract Kernel 是一个更广泛的概念,可能比 Layer 2 还要广泛。我觉得未来的资产应该是发行在比特币上的,但它的交易可能是在 CKB 或者是其他的 Layer 2 上面。由于 CKB 本身是 UTXO+PoW,更遵从比特币的思想,所以我认为 CKB 在这里面有很大的机会,我相信我们的技术判断。


Q1:BTCKB 计划,有 Roadmap 吗?

Cipher:Roadmap 我们还在整理,后续会发出来的。

Q2:CKB 在 BTCKB 计划中主要起什么作用?

Cipher:Jan 在之前的回答里提到过这个。CKB 来做比特币的 Layer 2,和以太坊的 Layer 2 不同,后者主要是 Rollup,在尽量不牺牲安全性的情况下实现扩容。比特币 Layer 2 要做的事情,未必是这样,因为比特币 Layer 1 并不是图灵完备的,很多事情做不了,CKB 正好可以使比特币的功能性实现增强的效果,这个功能性包括但不限于新的资产类型、不同资产的 DEX、Farming、隐私交易等。

Q3:BTCKB 未来会有社群运营的一些支持吗?

Cipher:有在 Marketing 方面做得非常好的小伙伴加入我们,一起去推进 BTCKB 计划。天时地利人和,我相信 2024 年 CKB 能够取得非常大的成绩。

附:“BTCKB” 电报群链接:https://t.me/+pvIOijSFA4szNmJl


Terry:过去几年我们也认识了很多比特币社区的开发者,建立了 UTXO 背景的开发者池,我们会去梳理这些开发者,吸引他们来和我们一起去建设生态。

另外,我发现以太坊生态的一部分开发者也开始对 UTXO 感兴趣了,但他们的 mindset 还是 Account 模型。所以我们也要做好教育工作,希望这些人也能被我们吸引过来一些。



Thanks Jacky! I was hoping there was going to be a transcript of this. Here’s the english translated version.

Q1: What is the BTCKB program?
Jan: “BTCKB” is a portmanteau of “BTC+CKB”.

The BTCKB program has been in the works for a long time. Last year, we observed the rapid growth of the Bitcoin ecosystem, and we’re very optimistic about how it will evolve over the next year or two and beyond, and we believe it will evolve into a much larger, but very different, marketplace than the ethereum ecosystem. Against this backdrop, we have planned and developed the BTCKB program.

The BTCKB program is a big project that includes product, market, and eco-development, supported by an eco-fund and mainly driven by CELL Studio. Of course, the Secret Monkey team that I lead will also fully support this program. The purpose of the BTCKB program is that we hope to seize this very good opportunity to lead the Bitcoin Renaissance, and to realize the rapid development of the CKB ecosystem through such an opportunity. We believe that features such as “PoW+UTXO” allow CKB to have a very good position in the ecosystem, and there are some features that only CKB has. We believe that the CKB ecosystem can perfectly integrate with the BTC ecosystem and become an integral part of the BTC ecosystem. We can provide more scenarios and functions for BTC.

Therefore, we have made a lot of preparations for this program, and the news of the last few days is just the beginning, and there will be a series of products and activities in the future.

In addition, this program has also received full support from many community partners and partners, which makes up for our team’s shortcomings in marketing and ecological planning, so I’m very confident in the BTCKB program.

Terry: I’d like to add that several of us are programmers by background, so our skills are relatively homogeneous, which is a very big drawback for us. But this time, we have very strong junior partners joining us to make up for our shortcomings, so that the BTCKB program won’t be so completely “tech-first”, but will have a very three-dimensional set of playing styles. That’s why I’m so excited to fly to Singapore overnight and work with my buddies to move this forward.

Cipher: I think this point in time is a very big opportunity for CKB, the timing is right. Timing means that 2024 is considered to be a bull market for Bitcoin, and the narrative is centered back on Bitcoin, with UTXO, PoW, off-chain computing, on-chain validation, and other things that CKB has insisted on for a long time being re-emphasized by everyone. The geographical advantage, not only is a lot of talent concentrated in Singapore, making it easy for us to find collaborators, but also the whole narrative focus has shifted from Europe and the United States to Asia, and Bitcoin Inscription is now centered on Asia and Chinese. People and, as Jan and Terry mentioned earlier, there are a lot of very good partners to help us and make up for our shortcomings.

So there’s a right place, right time, right people, CKB has been dormant for a couple of years, and now we’ve got a really good opportunity, and we’re going to capitalize on it.

Terry: Let me add one more thing. In the past, we had a big problem, that is, the idea was very advanced, and the product and technology behind it could not keep up. For example, we said very early that sharding (sharding technology) does not work, we have to go to the Layer 2 road, which was said very early, but the later products did not keep up. For example, we have always emphasized that UTXO is very good, but people didn’t realize it until now when we started to participate in the inscription, and then we found various wonderful uses of UTXO.

But this time around, our entire product line has been able to keep up with what we’ve come out and said, and that’s the biggest difference from before, and that’s what excites me.

Q2: Why BTC Layer 2 for Nervos and what is the biggest point?
Jan: I think it’s twofold. For CKB, this is the best opportunity for CKB at this time. I’ve been visiting a lot of partners lately, and I’ve found that there is a misunderstanding that Nervos is an ethereum ecosystem project, which may be related to my personal experience and previous media campaigns, but in fact Nervos has been a continuation of Bitcoin’s ideology from the very beginning. But that’s okay, the time has changed, and the advent of Bitcoin inscriptions was a very big turnaround.

The advent of Ordinals changed the perception of the Bitcoin community. Before that, Bitcoin Maximalism was the mainstream, and everyone only recognized BTC, everything else was shit coin, and as long as you had BTC, you could do nothing else. This kind of thinking made BTC very passive, and also largely curbed the development of the BTC ecosystem, because no matter what you do, you will be regarded as a heretic. Until the emergence of Ordinals, and then incubated from the token standard BRC-20, as well as now a variety of new asset standards, asset protocols, so that people’s minds are liberated to slowly accept these things, and this change in thinking has brought about the development of the ecosystem, so that BTC from a passive asset to an active asset, can be used in a variety of places. I think the BTC ecosystem is currently in the first stage of development, and there will be a second, third and fourth stage later, and the ecosystem will keep iterating forward.

Therefore, inscription is a very big turnaround, so that the whole BTC ecosystem is different. In the past, we said PoW was good, and we debated with others when Ether was converted to PoS, but people always thought we were using obsolete technology, that we were outdated, and that PoW was going to die, and that there was no hope. But today, when we say PoW is good, people start to understand and agree with us, and more people support PoW. UTXO is also good, we used to emphasize that UTXO is good, and hope to persuade developers to come to develop on it, but they said that it’s too difficult to do things on it, and the threshold is too high, so they don’t want to come. We used to say that the Lightning Network is great, that it’s the future of Layer 2, that it can’t be replaced by Rollup, but they would say that Vitalik said Rollup is the end game, and that the Lightning Network or the State Channel EtherChannel have already been tried and tested and they don’t work. But now everything has shifted, without us having to repeat ourselves, people are starting to realize the benefits of things like PoW, UTXO, Lightning Network, etc., and realize that we can do a lot of things on BTC, on UTXO. It’s a very big shift.

Before Inscription came along, CKB was seen as a “traitor” to the Ether community, an “outlier” in the Bitcoin community, because all of CKB’s designs were the opposite of Ether, and in the eyes of Bitcoin Maximalism, only BTC was In the eyes of Bitcoin Maximalism, only BTC is orthodox, and no other Altcoin is needed.As a result, CKB is in a very awkward position. But after Inscription, Bitcoin finally had a renaissance, and people were able to accept that there should be something else in the Bitcoin ecosystem, and started to look at what they could do with PoW and UTXO. It’s a very rare opportunity.

The whole industry has gone from Bitcoin to BitShares to Ethereum, and now it’s circling back to Bitcoin, back to the beginning. Not only is it back to the beginning, but it’s willing to do things and explore, which is a huge change. Because of this change, we can now fill in the gaps in our team configuration, and people are willing to join the Bitcoin ecosystem and join this new technological path or this new ecological path/ideological path. It’s a great opportunity for CKB and a great place to stand in it.

Bitcoin is not only a chain, but also a currency, an underlying asset, how to be able to get the most liquidity, the most scenarios is the most important. If we compare the blockchain to a country, then Bitcoin is M0, Layer 2, Layer 3 can create M1, M2, and so on based on M0. There are various types of Layer 2s in the Bitcoin ecosystem, and CKB is probably the most secure, censorship-resistant, and decentralized of all these Layer 2 projects. At the same time, we can build a lot of things on top of CKB, such as connecting CKB to BTC through the Lightning Network, Open Transaction, etc. CKB can provide more valuable scenarios for BTC, and lead the BTC ecosystem in exploring these new technological directions. If the exploration of these new technology directions proves to be valuable, we can also find ways to bring them back to BTC.

In short, this is the best opportunity for CKB and we can provide a lot of value to BTC.

Q3: What kind of role will CELL Studio play?
Cipher: CELL Studio is a bit of an eco-aggregator, linking together eco-projects, and the BTCKB initiative is about connecting BTC and CKB to do something within the PoW+UTXO narrative. Inevitably, there are interdependent parts to this, for example, if you’re doing a Bitcoin DEX, you might need a bridge or a Lightning Network channel to get assets across to CKB. These things may be interdependent or they may be parallel, and they all need to be driven by someone.

CELL Studio hopes to bring in more external support with the backing of the EcoFund to bring all the pieces of the ecosystem together. Because people used to criticize CKB for being too slow, the idea is very advanced, but the product comes out too slowly, CELL Studio hopes to make use of the time, place, and people to do a little bit more, and do things a little bit faster.

Let me be more specific. We have been promoting JoyID wallet, which has a friendly user experience and a very advanced design concept. JoyID supports CKB, EVM, and later on BTC, we hope that ordinary users can play these different ecosystems with just one JoyID wallet, instead of having to change wallets for different ecosystems. We also hope that ordinary users can use CELL Studio’s products for all kinds of application scenarios, including cross-chain, DEX trading, pledge interest generation, offline consumption, and even the use of the Lightning Network.

In addition, CELL Studio will also participate in the investment and incubation of the best projects in the community, as well as reach in-depth cooperation with various projects in the ecosystem.

The announcement of the BTCKB program a few days ago is just the first step, as we move forward, we will do more things, integrate more resources, and act as a practicing party for the research and application of the underlying protocols of Secret Ape Technology.

The application layer of Lightning Network mentioned earlier will also be taken up by us, and we are also designing the DA layer and checking layer of RGB. We are also designing the DA layer and checking layer of RGB. We can also tell you about DEX, which will support Fungible Token, Non-Fungible Token, and Semi-Fungible Token, and we are designing the AMM-like product, but it is not the price curve mode of ethereum, it is the mode of transaction lattice.

All in all, it’s the right time and the right place. We hope you will continue to support and look forward to CELL Studio’s subsequent products and its contribution to the ecosystem. If you have any good suggestions, you can also go to Nervos Talk or Discord to communicate with us.

Terry: Many people may wonder why there is a CELL Studio company behind the BTCKB program, so let me briefly explain.

In the past, the Nervos Foundation has developed programs with the hope that there would be a variety of project teams in the ecosystem, and as a result, there would indeed be a number of projects that would come out, but the product experience of these projects was extremely fragmented, and the pace of development of the different projects was different, which made it difficult to coordinate. If a big program involves 3 to 4 teams, it is basically impossible to deliver this program on time. This time, we are making an improvement by creating a CELL Studio company behind the BTCKB program. We want this company to be strategically driven, incubating products at a set pace and with a completely unified experience.

Some people might analogize CELL Studio to ConsenSys in the ethereum ecosystem, and while this analogy does facilitate understanding, it’s not as accurate. First of all, CELL Studio will specialize in one vertical field, i.e., to penetrate the BTC and CKB ecosystems, rather than to penetrate other fields. Secondly, ConsenSys can actually be divided into two parts: one part is for user products, and the other part is for very basic tools and infrastructure for developers; CELL Studio will focus more on user products, while Secret Ape and Magickbase in our ecosystem will focus more on protocol layer stuff and tools and infrastructure for developers. CELL Studio will focus more on the user side of the product.

CELL Studio will not only make user products, but also incubate them in the community. No matter what the incubated products look like, they will be integrated into CELL Studio’s system and bring the same experience, which is a more important goal. In addition, CELL Studio will also have its own business model.

Q4: What are some of the moves or good news that CKB will be looking forward to this year?
Terry: First of all, the BTCKB program is definitely a top priority this year. We’ve incubated companies like CELL Studio and have strong partners joining us, which is a great start. This year, we’re going to do everything we can around the BTCKB program to support and win the Bitcoin L2 war.

Secondly, as you may have noticed, MingWen is relatively hot in the Chinese community, but in the eyes of Bitcoin fundamentalists, MingWen is still a heresy. We’ve visited a lot of investment organizations and partners and found that a lot of them are influenced by Bitcoin fundamentalism and are still watching and waiting. We see the future of inscriptions, and we have the technology to make it happen and do it better, so we’re going to communicate more so that these organizations can also have confidence in the inscriptions market and the future of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

In early March of this year, we’re going to be organizing a Bitcoin Singapore conference where we’re going to be inviting some of the more influential people in the bitcoin ecosystem, and it’s going to be supported by BTC Study. By organizing this event with BTC Study in Asia, we’ll be able to spread our message and find more partners.

In April of this year, we’re also going to be hosting a special bitcoin event in Hong Kong with Wanxiang, which will be hosted by HashKey and Bitcoin Magazine, in addition to us. This is also a very good opportunity.

Although the inscription is regarded by many people as an “alien”, but we believe that the imagination of this is very large, what we want to do this year is to spread our ideas, there will be a lot of action in the product, Marketing end. It is worth mentioning that our products will be followed one after another this year, and our concept of synchronization.

After the Chinese market is done, our plan is to go to the North American market, and it will be slower there, because I basically didn’t hear a lot of voices about Inscription in North America. Also, after our product is done, we are going to launch it next year.

The above is just a rough summary, and more detailed plans will be made public through various channels in the future.

Q5: In what ways can community members participate in the BTCKB program?
Terry: Let me take developers as an example. If you want to do some development work or make products inside the BTCKB program, there are several channels.

The first one is unorganized, where you just get on and do it. Of course, most people probably don’t choose that way, but we’ve found that there are teams that do. If you need community support and publicity, CKB Community Fund DAO is a good choice, not only can you raise a small amount of money, but you can also publicize your idea in the community.CELL Studio will also consider how to integrate your product into its system.

Second, CELL Studio will publish a roadmap in the future, in the whole product matrix, if there is something you particularly want to do, and have the ability to do it, you can directly contact Cipher, and CELL Studio to cooperate.

Thirdly, if you are not in the framework of CELL Studio’s plan, but what you want to do still belongs to the BTC and CKB ecosystem, you can directly approach the Nervos Foundation or InNervation. although the Nervos Foundation is now pushing for a company to do these things, it doesn’t mean that you can’t go and do something else.

We also have an ambassador program. We will also have an ambassador program for people who don’t have development skills but understand what we’re trying to do and are willing to export our ideas. This is still in the planning stage, and the detailed plan will be announced in the future. This is a very good way for non-developers to participate in the BTCKB program.

For miners or other teams in the ecosystem, we will personally visit and communicate with them.

Sharing by Whitefish
Whitefish: I’m one of the founders of SeeDAO, and I’m very happy to join the CELL Studio fleet; SeeDAO is also one of the projects invested by Nervos.

SeeDAO is also one of the projects invested by Nervos. I’ve been a fan of the CKB project since the fundraising roadshow. I’ve been a fan of the CKB project since the funding roadshow, but the timing of CKB was not so good, as it was called a “heretic” of bitcoin and a “traitor” of ethereum, which didn’t sit well with both sides. But now it’s the right time and the right place, and it’s a great opportunity.

CKB’s technical concepts are very ahead of their time, and the technical team is all very solid, and has done a lot of really awesome things that just aren’t known by many in the marketplace and aren’t explained enough. This time in the Bitcoin Layer 2 battle, I observed all the contestants, most of them are EVM system, or take Cosmos/Polkadot things to change, and then add a cross-chain bridge, then packaged as Layer 2. But CKB insists on the layered architecture from the very beginning, and insists on PoW + UTXO from the very beginning, which is, in my opinion, a very big advantage.

In addition, I have a knot in my heart: SeeDAO is the most successful DAO in the Chinese community, and it is also one of the few organizations in the Chinese community that has the right to tell stories. However, I found that the crypto industry is still in this circle and that circle, and there are VC capital organizations in it. Although SeeDAO has done a good job and made a lot of original works, I feel that it is still very difficult to send out tokens and do some other things.

There are a lot of serious builders, or very “halal” builders, and there are a lot of capitalists, and there are a lot of very capable people, but I think we lack a field of our own. This Bitcoin Layer 2 battle, I think it’s not only an opportunity for CKB, it’s also an opportunity for Chinese people, it’s an opportunity for Chinese people in the digital world.

Ether’s Layer 2 has finished taking its place, but Bitcoin’s side hasn’t yet, plus Satoshi Nakamoto’s disappearance, whoever wins the Bitcoin Layer 2 battle is the real “Layer 1”. Bitcoin’s market capitalization is about 2.5 times that of Ether, and Bitcoin’s ecosystem will definitely be much bigger than Ether’s in the future, and the public chain that wins the Bitcoin Layer 2 battle will have a huge imagination.CKB’s concept is ahead of its time, and its technology is solid, so I really hope that CKB will win from the perspective of its values and its heart.

Recently, I have seen many people in several groups of Nervos are very FUD, so I suggest that we must do an AMA, put down a lot of historical baggage. Solana fell so much at the beginning, but now it is also up, and CKB is only the first four years have been doing the underlying protocols, the upper application is not enough, but in spite of this, it still gave birth to the .bit, JoyID, such as the bullish application. bit, JoyID, and so on. Now that people are willing to join in and do things together, I think we still have a lot of hope.

Tim, Founder of D.id
Tim: As a team that has been supporting CKB’s concept and technology path with practical actions in the past few years, we will also firmly support the BTCKB program this time.

I’ll share some of the features of CKB that I’m particularly excited about. Personally, I like UTXO and PoW. .bit chose to develop on CKB because of its support for various cryptographic algorithms, and now we see products like JoyID.

The difference between developing on CKB and developing on other chains is that the former can be used by users without any knowledge of the blockchain. You don’t need to know the blockchain address, gas fee and so on to use .bit, you can experience the .bit application completely, which can only be done on CKB, and it’s hard to do it on other chains. the unique features of CKB can make the developed application experience better.

From a developer’s point of view, developing on CKB is not the same as developing on EVM, it’s difficult, but it’s not a big problem, so don’t panic, Cipher’s team, our team, Zhixian’s team, etc. have accumulated a lot of experience, and in fact, they all can find a solution.

Some people say that there is no ecosystem in CKB, but in fact we and some other developers have always been there, it’s just that some of the products we make are often aimed at users outside the circle. I’ve seen a big shift in the BTCKB program, and I’m very confident about it.

Let’s move on and share my thoughts on the future. After Inscription caught fire, people started to refocus on the bitcoin ecosystem, so what does it mean to be a bitcoin ecosystem? Or one of the most essential questions, what does it mean to be an inscription? Is it something that can be traded in the Inscription Marketplace called an inscription, or is it something that is completely on-chain and indexed off-chain, or is it something that is called an inscription in terms of ordinal theory plus Indexer, or is it something that is completely on Bitcoin, and it is only called an inscription if the data is traded in terms of the Ordinals and the Indexer that defines it? That’s a question that’s worth discussing. I tend to think that over time.

If you look at the Ordinals protocol, you’ll see that it contains two things, one is called an inscription and the other is called ordinal theory plus Indexer, which essentially solves the problem of transacting in inscriptions, which is defining what it means to say I’ve transferred an inscription to you. But this solution has its own problems. First of all, the transaction friction is very large, and everything has to be on the Bitcoin chain. Secondly, it generates a lot of UTXOs, which also leads to congestion across the network, which is a big turnoff for the halalists.

I think the way forward is that Bitcoin is going to have a smart contract layer, which I would personally call the Contract Kernel, and I’ve previously suggested that another interpretation of CKB is the Contract Kernel of Bitcoin, which happens to be the acronym CKB. The Contract Kernel is a much broader concept, probably even broader than Layer 2. Contract Kernel is a broader concept, probably broader than Layer 2. I think in the future, assets will be issued on Bitcoin, but they will be traded on CKB or some other Layer 2. Since CKB itself is UTXO+PoW, which is more in line with Bitcoin’s thinking, I think CKB has a great opportunity here, and I trust our technical judgment.

Q1:Do you have a roadmap for the BTCKB program?
Cipher: We are still working on the roadmap and will send it out later.

Q2: What is the main role of CKB in BTCKB program?
Cipher: Jan mentioned this in her previous answer, CKB is going to be Bitcoin’s Layer 2, which is different from ethereum’s Layer 2, which is mainly a rollup, which is an expansion without sacrificing security as much as possible. What Bitcoin Layer 2 is going to do is not necessarily the same, because Bitcoin Layer 1 is not Turing-complete, there are a lot of things that can’t be done, and CKB is just the right place to make Bitcoin’s functionality enhanced, which includes, but isn’t limited to, new asset types, DEX for different assets, Farming, privacy transactions, etc.

Q3: Will BTCKB have any community support in the future?
Cipher: We have partners who have done very well in Marketing joining us to promote the BTCKB program. With the right timing and the right people, I believe CKB will be able to achieve great results in 2024.

P.S. Link to “BTCKB” telegram group: Telegram: Join Group Chat

Q4: What will be done to attract developers from the Bitcoin community?
Terry: We’ve also gotten to know a lot of developers in the Bitcoin community over the past few years, building up a pool of developers with UTXO backgrounds, and we’ll be combing through those to attract them to come and build the ecosystem with us.

Also, I’ve found that some of the developers in the ethereum ecosystem are getting interested in UTXO, but their mindset is still the Account model. So we have to do a good job of educating them, and hopefully they will be attracted to us.

At the end of the year, we will also go to Europe and the United States, and we actually have some developers there.


Thanks for sharing this!