93 of 100 Depositors are ckb1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnf

93 of 100 Depositors are ckb1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnf
Why are almost all addresses in the Top 100 DAO Investors list starting with the same address? Only 7 are ckb1qzl58smqy32hnrq6vxj… Is this the same DAO contract?

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Hey @knmo, good catch!! :hugs:

To be honest sometimes this bothers me too, but there is actually a good reason: the address can encode any type of lock (Nervos L1 superb flexibility). What you see there is just the encoding of the code hash of the good old secp256k1_blake160 and the initial ckb prefix, which indicates a mainnet address. Feel free to check out the RFC.

To double check this:

  1. Open the explorer with any of the addresses you mentioned
  2. Click under Live Cells (?), the closed eye nearby Lock Script Hash
  3. On the left of code hash you will likely find secp256k1_blake160

My take on this is that likely most of these users are just using Neuron Wallet to deposit in Nervos DAO:

  • Neuron is the safest wallet AFAIK, which helps given the stakes of those addresses.
  • Neuron uses the good old secp256k1_blake160.

Love & Peace, Phroi


P.S.: those 7 ckb1qzl58smqy32hnrq6vxj... are using pwlock-k1-acpl!! :scream_cat: They should consider migrating to something safer…

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But this pwlock-k1-acpl is currently used very often, why do you think they should change anything?

It is probably difficult or impossible to find out which programs or user interfaces use which script.

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Good catch, luckily that seems to be a bug in the explorer: PW_Lock page actually displays secp256k1_blake160 txs · Issue #1835 · nervosnetwork/ckb-explorer-frontend · GitHub

Love & Peace, Phroi

…just 5 days ago, there was a 185,587,623 CKB deposit. (Rank: #4).

OT, but related to NervosDAO. Did this depositor instantly withdraw? And now has to wait 30 days?


He just created a withdrawal request, his funds are still very much locked. The lenght of this lockup depends on when was made the deposit and it follow a 30 days cycle, feel free to check out more details here and here.

30 days minus a few minutes, cause he made the deposit a few minutes before requesting the withdrawal.

If instead of using directly NervosDAO, he had used iCKB, he could have got his funds out in a few days.

Love & Peace, Phroi

Thanks @phroi, the concept of withdraw request I had already understood, but the logic of making the choice to withdraw request so quickly was my question.

BTW, I appreciate your development with iCKB.

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This investor may not have considered that the 180 epochs after the ‘Initial Withdrawal Transaction’ will not be remunerated. She now has to wait ~30 days until the ‘Final Withdrawal Transaction’ can be carried out.

Deposits and Withdrawals

In the Nervos DAO there are 3 transactions that need to be completed for a full deposit and withdrawal cycle:

    Deposit Transaction — this is the initial deposit of the amount of CKBytes you wish to lock in the Nervos DAO. As soon as this transaction has been included in a block, this block number becomes the start of the “reward” period, and your deposit is locked.
    Initial Withdrawal Transaction — this is the first step in the withdrawal process. You can send this transaction at any time to the Nervos DAO to indicate your request to withdraw, however, the block in which this transaction is included is the end of the “reward” period.
    Final Withdrawal Transaction — This is the transaction which withdraws your initial CKByte deposit + rewards accrued from the Nervos DAO. It must be done in a deposit period after the Initial Withdrawal Transaction.

How long after deposit will my tokens be locked, and when and how can I withdraw them?

Holders can deposit into the Nervos DAO at any time, though the timing of withdrawals is based on deposit periods. Each deposit period is 180 epochs (~30 days) starting from the time of your deposit.

You can keep your CKBytes in the Nervos DAO for as many deposit periods as you wish but you must request your withdrawal (the Initial Withdrawal Transaction) before the end of the deposit period you wish to withdraw in.

medium.com - Nervos DAO explained

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